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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone here that boycotting Ubisoft was pointless/useless right now?

Machina-AX said:
The whole boycott hysteria was pathetic and pointless from the start.

I made a very good analogy on the moderator boards about it but I'm sworn to secrecy. Plus, it would annoy a lot of people. Also, it seems I forgot about publishing in other regions. My mistake. But I thought Ubisoft was going to focus more on casual development? Why would publishing a game show any more support?



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I already posted my opinion on another thread, but here it is again:

"Actually it seems what most people are thinking is that Ubisoft may screw up this game's launch. For example, by not advertising it like they did with No More Heroes. I hope I'm wrong, but I think this might reinforce people's grudge against Ubisoft, not the opposite.

If it's the opposite, then I believe we may have the beginning of the justification we need to stop the boycott. It would be even more convincing if Ubisoft actually developed a decent game instead of just publishing it.

Ubisoft does seem like they're suffering from a multiple personality disorder, I definitely agree with that. There's no coherency in what they do or say. I'm going to wait and see, E3 is going to be very telling. If I eat crow, then so be it, I'll be happier then. All I want is for their position regarding the Wii to be clarified."


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

wfz said:
Zucas said:
It's becuase people don't know what they want. They simply live by the moment. No such thing as loyalty when it comes to fanboys.

Montana- Ubisoft is handling the publishing and distributing of Tenchu IV outside of Japan, aka Americas and Europe.

Doesn't that contradict the very nature of most fanboys? They pledge loyalty to a company and are biased towards it.

It's an ironic play on words, but still the truth.  Maybe if you read deeper you'll understand.   

F*** you Ubisoft.

It'll be a tough pill for me to swallow if I ever buy another Ubisoft game.
I never cared for their games and I never will. fail. It's a good thing I never cared for their games.
Pretend Ubisoft doesnt exist
Ubisoft sucks anyways.

Fuck Ubisoft. I will gladly buy EA games because they do not think Wii users are total retards.
There's hundreds of posts like this one that I've seen and they all say the same thing.  But none of them are saying don't buy Ubisoft developed games, that only came today, when the found out Ubisoft was publishing Tenchu 4.
And now people are just taking it out of their sig, so they don't look like hypocrites.
In order to sleep at night, people are trying to justify what their sig says, or re-word it to only talk about games, and it's sad that people change around what they believe in, in order to not look silly.

sc94597 said:
yushire said:
sc94597 said:
It's not a game developed by them though.
Doesnt matter you still make them money to fund their crappy games on the Wii. The boycott was pointlesss...


But we want good games from ubisoft, not some developer from the street. And personally I don't care if they fund games using the money they get.

Ubi still makes money out of you if you buy this game, so whose the loser here at the end? The one boycotting Ubi or Ubi itself? 


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

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Ok so you are a Wii owner boycotting Ubisoft who is going to mostly make HD games.

How in hell does that affect Ubisoft :P

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Well, I can sleep at night. I questioned whether it was the right move to not bring a game they were making more approachable to the Wii (Beyond Good & Evil 2).

I fully admitted that the Imagine Games would sell and that certain games just don't fit on the Wii well.

I do think what really got people was the attitude of Raide. The mod really hit a nerve with his statements -- and many of them were false. (For example, at least in the US, Ubisoft has always had a diverse lineup for various consoles -- it did not beginning publishing non-hardcore games with the Wii).

Mike from Morgantown

Who needs to boycott the dinner table ... at least before thirds. 8*>


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Ail said:
Ok so you are a Wii owner boycotting Ubisoft who is going to mostly make HD games.

How in hell does that affect Ubisoft :P

Well even that's going to far.  The real question is how are you supposed to make an effective boycott with lest than 50 people in a market that is a multi billion dollar industry.  It's laughable.


mike, I remember you said, in another topic, that the Wii was starting to remind you of the Intellivision...what did you mean by that?

The boycott was against games developed by Ubisoft not games published by it. In other words the boycott was against stupid games like Imagine Cowz rather than against games like No More Heroes.

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