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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon sells out of MGS4 80GB PS3 in 5 minutes! -- T3H Domination Begins??

darthdevidem01 said:
"Thousands of you swarmed the site, got rid of their inventory in seven minutes, and best of all -- you killed"


the bundles in the THOUSANDS..


I wouldn't exactly call that confirmation. It's just the commentary of the PS3Fanboy site. I'm not sure they have access to Amazon's stock levels.

That said, Amazon being Amazon, they're stock levels are likely to be high. How high is the question.

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"Thats right, officially, temporarily, met it's bandwidth limit due to how many people accessed the site to pre-order MSG4. If you dont believe me check Alexa for the amount of hits Amazon received and to which page. lol"

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

read my thread, Amazon's site went down due to this. To fill up Amazon's bandwidth takes a HUGE amount.

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darthdevidem01 said:

"Thats right, officially, temporarily, met it's bandwidth limit due to how many people accessed the site to pre-order MSG4. If you dont believe me check Alexa for the amount of hits Amazon received and to which page. lol"



Check and pwnd doubter SSJ12

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Pretty impressive if you ask me :) At least we know that sales will be good :)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor! is still dead right now, I just checked. It keeps struggling to open pages!

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Heh, amazon is down after all. Not sure whether it's due to us though ;)

Garcian Smith said:
More than likely, the bundles sold out because they are/were a limited-edition venture, and are likely to be rather valuable in the future, rather than because the general public is made up of rabid MGS fanboys (hint: they're not.)

You're thinking of the LE Gunmetal bundles only available direct through Konami. No word on how many of those were manufactured for the NA region, but not enough to significantly effect hardware sales. According to Konami it's well under 10k.

The 80GB bundle is supposedly the replacement for the Motorstorm bundle; presumably until it is also replaced by a new SKU. So it's only limited in respect to how long Sony keeps them in production since technically, everything is a "limited production."

It's still too early to make any conclusions regarding hardware sales, but a near instant sell out from Amazon is promising. It means they'll order a lot more for the next run.

This would also seem to shoot a big hole in the presumption that everyone, or even "90%" of all people who want to play MGS4 already have a PS3.

If that were the case, the decision to bundle the game would not have been made unless it was some ridiculous form of thanks to Konami for the exclusive to "help" them sell a game that wouldn't have sold by itself. Sound ridiculous? It is.  


NEWSFLASH: It's been confirmed that MGS4 has a hardcore following among thousands of gamers with Internet connections. Join us after the break.


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