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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Apple won't kill the DS

Godot said:
One word: battery.

It's the reason why I have an Ipod, DS and a cell phone. Last thing you want is to miss that important call because you played too much monkeyball. Videos are killing the battery quickly on the Ipod as well so I don't see much use to play video and video games on the same device. If they would give us a device that has 100 hours of battery life playing videos, it would be different.

Tell me about it. Even the goddamn light on the goddamn ipod kills the goddamn battery

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Everyone will be singing a different tune after the ink dries on the deal Apple is making with Ubisoft.

Okay, I made that up. 

yeah apple wont have any good software to create on there own,and i doubt the third parties will support it more then DS

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

narfwack said:

Someone else has also written a well thought arguement. I really doubt Nintendo is even thinking of worrying.


* CLIP * 

A lot of the same arguments were used when Sony decided to enter the video game market.  No experience.  No in-house game development.  Can't take on Mario.  Etc.  Etc.

Also, everyone seems to be thinking Apple would jump into video gaming with the current iPod/iPhone.  I doubt they would do that.

Someone else mentioned the Pippin, but that was pre-Jobs. 

As I said before, Apple might not become a force in the video-game market.  Heck... they might not even try.  But if they do, I'm not going to say they'll fail for certain.  Sony was a new-comer and beat the snot out of everyone with the PS2.  Where was Mario, then?


Power could possibly not be a problem in the future as Apple has announced that it is putting solar panels under the view screens of their devices. They want a ubiquitous device for calls, music, video, and now games and they know that a major hurdle is power. No one wants to risk running down the batteries of their phone so they are attempting to solve it. Could make waves in the industry.

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You guys do realize you're trying to make the argument that Apple can't possibly succeed in the hand-held gaming market, right?

Trying to argue something is impossible or highly-unlikely is a lot harder than arguing that something is possible.

The only reason I will even *consider* that Apple might have a poor chance of succeeding is because FishyJoe and Garcian Smith believe it to be so, and they both seem to have a good grasp on the market.

Still, I tend not to vote against a talented, ruthless underdog that's defied analyst predictions over the past few years.

fkusumot said:


Everyone will be singing a different tune after the ink dries on the deal Apple is making with Ubisoft.

Okay, I made that up. 

 That would make an awesome comic though. =)

ZenfoldorVGI said:
You guys mean the DS2 right, cause the DS has sold like 75 million units and is already one of the highest selling consoles of all time. It would take the iPhone 10 years and a billion units sold to reach that type of gamer userbase. iPhone vs DS2 would be the only possibility, and it is almost certain that the iPhone would get owned, lol.

Didn't forbes just name Nintendo like their 3rd biggest company or something?

Absolutely... it would take a miracle for a new hand-held to catch up to and blow past the current DS.  It's a real monster with a lot of momentum. 

fkusumot said:


Everyone will be singing a different tune after the ink dries on the deal Apple is making with Ubisoft.

Okay, I made that up.

Please, God, nooo.... 

colonelstubbs said:
Godot said:
One word: battery.

It's the reason why I have an Ipod, DS and a cell phone. Last thing you want is to miss that important call because you played too much monkeyball. Videos are killing the battery quickly on the Ipod as well so I don't see much use to play video and video games on the same device. If they would give us a device that has 100 hours of battery life playing videos, it would be different.

Tell me about it. Even the goddamn light on the goddamn ipod kills the goddamn battery

 Even without the backlight (which is a complete power sucker) my iPod only lasts about 2 hours before dying, and that is JUST playing music. It's an iPod Video that I bought last year. The battery is a POS.


Nintendo has nothing to worry about.