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Forums - Sony Discussion - What about God of War III?

   Hello guys,

 I visit vgchartz minimum once a day, check the discussions but most of the times do not post. I'm a PS3 owner for a lot of reasons, but one of them is God of War III. I know GoW: CoO had a teaser on the booklet, but there's almost no info for God of War 3- except for the 1080 resolution, the possible multiplayer option and that David Jaffe wants to be involved.

 But nothing else. No one talks about it, cause no one from Sony is saying a thing. We should expect it in 2009, but Sony Gamer's Day said NOTHING about it, as far as I remember they didn't even include it in their list.

 Why is that? I'm a God of War fan- the first two were great. I mean, Kratos is The Awesomest Bad Ass character in the PS world, the game had great fighting mechanics and even though the storyline was simple, the whole feeling about the game was... epic. And it could actually be 3 times bigger with the PS3 around.

P.S. Happy "God of War" theme on Guitar Hero ^^ 

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E3 still hasnt passed yet. If they dont announce anything at E3 expect the game to come out late 2009 or march 2010.

1. Because Sony has learnt not too build hype on games too fast and too soon.

2. Because its really early in its production and we are looking at 2010 for a release.

3. Waiting for E3

If you assume that it started development soon after God of War II was complete, and that like many PS3 games it will take 2.5 to 3.5 years to complete, God of War III would be released sometime between July 2009 and  July 2010. When the game is not going to be released for at least one year it seems foolish to show it off at a "gamers' day" when the focus tends to be on playing games that will soon be out ...

2010 that long away. i would be thinking mid 2009, or pushed back to xmas 2009 for obvious reasons

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It's still early days, E3 is around the corner, so expect something there, if nothing shows up, I would not be expecting a 2009 release date.

@EagleEye: I disagree with your no.1 I don't think sony has learnt it's lesson yet, and if anything, GoW3 would be the game to hype like crazy, because by name alone thanks to it's 3 predecessors, it will sell. If there is one game Sony needs to push at E3 it'll be this game (assuming it makes an appearance) because LBP is riding on the wave of positive previews and KZ2's hype machine has been ridden to death by the developers.

 @ Eagle Eyes & Dog Weed

I assume you're right.

But Sony did hype LAIR and still hype Killzone, though it's early. Saying "coming soon" is kinda silly, cause no one knows what "soon" is, but it doesn't sound like 2010.

Just thought that a true video teaser would be nice. Or at least a real announcement when to expect it.

2,5-3,5 years to develop?! No offence but that is ridiculous. Look at insomniac, they only take about a year to develop a game. And i thought they started developing God of War 3 before number two even came out. 2010, no way. I think 2009, in march again. They did the same with god of war 2 in 2007 march and chains of olympus 2008 march. But i agree, if God of War 3 isn't shown at E3 2008, i will get really pissed cuz that means it won't come out till 2010.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

This game will sell me a PS3

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

I thought there would be one in 2009. If you bought the PSP God of war you could see at the guide 'GOD OF WAR III' 2009.