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   Hello guys,

 I visit vgchartz minimum once a day, check the discussions but most of the times do not post. I'm a PS3 owner for a lot of reasons, but one of them is God of War III. I know GoW: CoO had a teaser on the booklet, but there's almost no info for God of War 3- except for the 1080 resolution, the possible multiplayer option and that David Jaffe wants to be involved.

 But nothing else. No one talks about it, cause no one from Sony is saying a thing. We should expect it in 2009, but Sony Gamer's Day said NOTHING about it, as far as I remember they didn't even include it in their list.

 Why is that? I'm a God of War fan- the first two were great. I mean, Kratos is The Awesomest Bad Ass character in the PS world, the game had great fighting mechanics and even though the storyline was simple, the whole feeling about the game was... epic. And it could actually be 3 times bigger with the PS3 around.

P.S. Happy "God of War" theme on Guitar Hero ^^