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Forums - Sales Discussion - I just noticed that Microsoft doesn't sell much considering its NA lead

dallas said:

darthdevidem01 said:
But was 360 "Ever" thought as a juggernaut apart from HUGE M$ it really never was



I thought that it was a pretty big thing for a while. I was really impressed with all that they have done for the online stuff. But even so, they are falling behind week by week hardwardware, and eventually if the current trend continues they will fall behind in software, as well. Have you ever seen Muhammad Ali's early fights? He wasn't the greatest, not by a longshot. But then, he improved his footwork and evasiveness, he worked on his power as well. All of these things added up to him eventually being the best and on a similar note, the PS3 will be improving its game by a large amount this year w/ the following:

-increased blu ray sales


-in game messaging/ universal friends





For real, assuming that these come out this year, then sony will have done much much more than the other two and there is the talk of a price cut by the end of the year as well

Well, the 360 already has some of those things and it could be argued that Sony is simply catching up to a curve set by MS in 2006.

Besides, we have no idea what MS is up to right now. They haven't made any real changes to XBL in quite some time and I'm pretty sure we'll see something that shakes things up before the end of the year.

Sony is chasing a sliding scale here. Don't expect MS to sit still and watch Sony steal one of their main advantages. Remember, MS has been pretty mum on features like IPTV for a long time now. Something has to be going on.

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i don't understand what the OT is getting at. I'm assuming that he/she is looking at the software for this week. Is he/she aware that this is common for the summer periods [minus high profile game releases]. Now if your taking trends for the year thus far compared to now, as someone mentioned in another thread, 2008 thus far has been an anomaly with unusually high sales and is now correcting itself.
Now this is just conjecture [the above], but in all the treads i've read today relating to H/S sales, everyone seems to ignore the 800lbs gorilla in the room that is the economic downturn and rising NRG prices.

rocketpig said:
dallas said:

darthdevidem01 said:
But was 360 "Ever" thought as a juggernaut apart from HUGE M$ it really never was



I thought that it was a pretty big thing for a while. I was really impressed with all that they have done for the online stuff. But even so, they are falling behind week by week hardwardware, and eventually if the current trend continues they will fall behind in software, as well. Have you ever seen Muhammad Ali's early fights? He wasn't the greatest, not by a longshot. But then, he improved his footwork and evasiveness, he worked on his power as well. All of these things added up to him eventually being the best and on a similar note, the PS3 will be improving its game by a large amount this year w/ the following:

-increased blu ray sales


-in game messaging/ universal friends





For real, assuming that these come out this year, then sony will have done much much more than the other two and there is the talk of a price cut by the end of the year as well

Well, the 360 already has some of those things in different amounts and it could be argued that Sony is simply catching up to a curve set by MS in 2006.

Besides, we have no idea what MS is up to right now. They haven't made any real changes to XBL in quite some time and I'm pretty sure we'll see something that shakes things up before the end of the year.

Sony is chasing a sliding scale here. Don't expect MS to sit still and watch Sony steal their advantage.

Well, MS as you know is reportedly looking to sell its high def movies via XBL, and yeah this has all been discussed before but whether or not this will be a big thing remains to be seen. Personall, I'm a bit doubtful, and I hope that MS has some more tricks up their sleeves than just this. A 2006 entry for the 360 and a supposed 2009 entry for the Most consoles come out 5-6 years after the previous generation, and for them to just hurry up and put another one out at least seems like a waste of $$$

High Def movies via XBL? Er? I'm not following... Unless you mean actually "sell" them compared to the current rental offerings. That shouldn't be a big deal to them and it definitely wouldn't require much work on their end.

We won't see a new Xbox in 2009. Bank on it. MS is just starting to see the light when it comes to the 360 and profits and I doubt they're in any hurry to start throwing gobs of money into R&D on another 2-3 years of losing money.

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So you're judging the 360 by this past weeks numbers? Then you're also naming upcoming features to the PSN that Xbox Live already has? Well if you want to judge the consoles by the sales this past week then things are looking even worse for the PS3. I mean it went from beating the 360 by about 5-10k to losing by about by about 15k in NA.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


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rocketpig said:
High Def movies via XBL? Er? I'm not following... Unless you mean actually "sell" them compared to the current rental offerings. That shouldn't be a big deal to them and it definitely wouldn't require much work on their end.

We won't see a new Xbox in 2009. Bank on it. MS is just starting to see the light when it comes to the 360 and profits and I doubt they're in any hurry to start throwing gobs of money into R&D on another 2-3 years of losing money.

 From the few articles written about the next MS system all have said that MS plan on making the HD movie downloads as its main "gimmick".  And yeah, this would be relatively easy, I would think that MS could practically accomplish this in a few months.  But if so, then the PS3 should be able to sell HD-downloads as well, and....Sony is also a movie company so they should be able to sell em cheaper.  As far as the new XBOX, what do you think about MS adding a BD drive to the next console?  perhaps sony will sell the right to use the BD drive for  pretty cheap so that we have more Blu users.

dallas said:
rocketpig said:
High Def movies via XBL? Er? I'm not following... Unless you mean actually "sell" them compared to the current rental offerings. That shouldn't be a big deal to them and it definitely wouldn't require much work on their end.

We won't see a new Xbox in 2009. Bank on it. MS is just starting to see the light when it comes to the 360 and profits and I doubt they're in any hurry to start throwing gobs of money into R&D on another 2-3 years of losing money.

 From the few articles written about the next MS system all have said that MS plan on making the HD movie downloads as its main "gimmick".  And yeah, this would be relatively easy, I would think that MS could practically accomplish this in a few months.  But if so, then the PS3 should be able to sell HD-downloads as well, and....Sony is also a movie company so they should be able to sell em cheaper.  As far as the new XBOX, what do you think about MS adding a BD drive to the next console?  perhaps sony will sell the right to use the BD drive for  pretty cheap so that we have more Blu users.

HUH? I wasn't aware Sony had the final say (controlling interest) in who gets to implement Bluray?

yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

Are you trying to justify why xbox sells 1.6 times the software ps3 does here?

Thats like a soccer team saying..."we lost but we should should have lost a lot worse"

In any case, I see the logic in your argument. You also must consider that 360 has a really easy piracy scene going on right now where ps3 doesn't.

dallas said:
yeah, they definitely have a say in who gets the BD drive, b/c it is Sony's intellectual property. Do you think that Sony would give away the right to include a BD drive to MS of all companies for ...... free?

 Sorry to break it to you, but Sony does not have that type of power.  The blu-ray IP is owned by a coalition of companies.  Also, Sony is not the only blu-ray LED manufacturer in the world so you are wrong again.