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dallas said:
rocketpig said:
High Def movies via XBL? Er? I'm not following... Unless you mean actually "sell" them compared to the current rental offerings. That shouldn't be a big deal to them and it definitely wouldn't require much work on their end.

We won't see a new Xbox in 2009. Bank on it. MS is just starting to see the light when it comes to the 360 and profits and I doubt they're in any hurry to start throwing gobs of money into R&D on another 2-3 years of losing money.

 From the few articles written about the next MS system all have said that MS plan on making the HD movie downloads as its main "gimmick".  And yeah, this would be relatively easy, I would think that MS could practically accomplish this in a few months.  But if so, then the PS3 should be able to sell HD-downloads as well, and....Sony is also a movie company so they should be able to sell em cheaper.  As far as the new XBOX, what do you think about MS adding a BD drive to the next console?  perhaps sony will sell the right to use the BD drive for  pretty cheap so that we have more Blu users.

HUH? I wasn't aware Sony had the final say (controlling interest) in who gets to implement Bluray?