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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The floodgates are officially open: 4 quality Wii games in 2 days

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Oooo, Rune Factory. This is the first time I'm hearing of this. I have been out of it, lol. That is one game that I almost bought for DS, and I'm certainly willing to pick it up on the Wii.

Ah, almost? If you like Harvest Moon, you'd like it. It's very good and a good change of pace^^ Although, Making stuff (Smithing, Alchemy, cooking and such) were probably some of the funnest parts^^ I never knew they were thinking of one for the Wii, just thought it'd be a regular Harvest Moon :3

P.S. Also looking forward to Rune Factory 2 for the DS :3

Edit: That is true though Naznatips. Seems like the villagers repeated stuff way more than in the regular version, and well, festivals. 'Nuff said.

The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
Link below because I fail at embedding urls.


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Onimusha is right on this one, Wii will only get spin-offs, ports, remakes. It wont get good exclusives, multiplats, or main series.

Its sad, because not everyone has enough money to buy all consoles. Saying that is just egoistic. 3rd party devs know that half of the userbase is willing to buy anything, so they ignore the other half, the one that cares about quality.
So why bother in making a great game? They will spend less making a port or a spin-off rather than a new game.

Capcom showed Spyborgs, but is that enough? Is it that real good? We know nothing so far, but that style and quality of graphics for example, isnt what we expected after they teased us with "Game similar to Lost Planets and Bionic Comando". Nor is the context of the game. I was expecting a game using RE4 engine, that looks far more polished, serious.

Ok, I dont want to whine anymore, I know great games are coming to Wii, but because big 3rd parties have nothing to show to world, they choose to make cheap games. Still, we will get good support from small and independet devs. This small devs are the future. They are eager to show they can make great games. When this devs stay exclusive to Wii and steal all the sales from the big devs, I will LOVE to see big devs crawling back to Nintendo, but oh well, there's still a lot of time left in this gen.

I'll just enjoy my games and the ones coming.

Gorgory the wii already has many exclusives. I believe even more than the xbox 360 or the ps3, so please don't say that. I loved your first post , but it seems you have forgotting all of what you said in your first thread.

I know, but I just come from the Capcom boards, and its not getting better. Also after reading what capcom said about "If you make a petition you get SF4", like if we were some toys or some kids. Hell, I know Capcom is a good company, but there's no need to downplay us Wii owners.

Just like I said I'll enjoy my games on the Wii I wont buy another console.

Link to my first post, Im saying the same thing, I didnt chage my opinion :S

Onimusha12 said:
naznatips said:
Onimusha12 said:
Yeah who needs games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Silent Hill, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, Call of Duty, Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock or Resident Evil when you got these.

And here I thought the days of Nintendo fans digging through the scraps of unremarkable third party support to feed delussions that things might actually change for the Wii had passed. Shame on the OP for getting people's hopes up with this thread's title.

Even if these games are good quality, they won't get advertising and won't sell. Maybe someday third party developers will make games for the Wii that aren't barely PS2 level graphics.

Yes, my god why weren't 11 games that were in development 1-2 years before the Wii was even released on the Wii. Developers should be canceling all their current projects and moving them to Wii, and if they don't and make new games on Wii instead they obviously hate it, and we should condemn them!  Oh and when they do (Monster Hunter) it doesn't count right Onimusha?

Your stick got old months ago.  Your senseless rants are not doing anything, and it's pretty sad that you are too busy complaining about games to actually enjoy them.  

Those games were examples of good third party support, not what the Wii should get in spite of obvious limiting circumstances. Oh but keep telling yourself these bargain bin offerings are the god send we've all been waiting for and that I'm just pining for games that we all know damn well aren't comming to the Wii. I'm sure that's so much more convenient for you to believe rather than accepting maybe I have goddamn good point and your only defense here is reciting, "If you can't say something nice than don't say anything at all."

I'll remember next time that  only positive comments are allowed on this site.

@ Rocketpig


Allow me to simplify, I am not saying the Wii deserves the example games listed, I'm saying that those are examples of good third party support, things that people should be excited for, games that get commercials, games that get sales, games that more than just a handful of pathetic internet Wii well-wishers care about and then get defensive about it when someone like me comes along with reality to rain on your parade. 

Though if I had to come up a reason for entitlement, just for shits and giggles, maybe damn near 50% market share and record breaking sales as the most successful console in video game history would be grounds. But shit, what do I know. I'm just a malcontent. Let's all break the bank and buy all five consoles so it doesn't matter what games are released where. Screw integrity, as long as the game isn't Nitro Bike let's all tell ourselves its a great game.

No one (or very few people) are saying these games are automatically going to be good.  That's ridiculous.  Just as ridiculous as saying RE5 or SF4 will be automatically good.  You can never completley judge quality until a game is released, but hoping said games are good, and anticipating them, is hardly stupid. 

The really stupid thing is you constantly flip-flop between what you want so that there is no way anyone can win.  If it's high quality, but low budget (Zack & Wiki) you complain it's not real support.  If it's high budget, but not a franchise you care for (Monster Hunter) you still complain it's not real support.  You are looking for a reason to complain.  It's called being a pessimist, not a realist.  

Other people say "I hope this will be good" you say "I don't care it's not real support."  You refuse to actually give these games a fair chance because your default point-of-view is so negative that you can't believe anything could possibly be good that's not a sequel to a franchise you've known for 10 years.  Hell, even when it is (Tenchu 4), you still complain.  You may have thought you were being cleverly sarcastic, but you are just a malcontent.  You have yet to prove yourself even capable of providing a "realistic" opinion on anything.  You are so caught up in your dark storm cloud of doom that god forbid you actually enjoy gaming. 

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naznatips said:
Onimusha12 said:
naznatips said:
Onimusha12 said:
Yeah who needs games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Silent Hill, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, Call of Duty, Orange Box, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock or Resident Evil when you got these.

And here I thought the days of Nintendo fans digging through the scraps of unremarkable third party support to feed delussions that things might actually change for the Wii had passed. Shame on the OP for getting people's hopes up with this thread's title.

Even if these games are good quality, they won't get advertising and won't sell. Maybe someday third party developers will make games for the Wii that aren't barely PS2 level graphics.

Yes, my god why weren't 11 games that were in development 1-2 years before the Wii was even released on the Wii. Developers should be canceling all their current projects and moving them to Wii, and if they don't and make new games on Wii instead they obviously hate it, and we should condemn them!  Oh and when they do (Monster Hunter) it doesn't count right Onimusha?

Your stick got old months ago.  Your senseless rants are not doing anything, and it's pretty sad that you are too busy complaining about games to actually enjoy them.  

Those games were examples of good third party support, not what the Wii should get in spite of obvious limiting circumstances. Oh but keep telling yourself these bargain bin offerings are the god send we've all been waiting for and that I'm just pining for games that we all know damn well aren't comming to the Wii. I'm sure that's so much more convenient for you to believe rather than accepting maybe I have goddamn good point and your only defense here is reciting, "If you can't say something nice than don't say anything at all."

I'll remember next time that  only positive comments are allowed on this site.

@ Rocketpig


Allow me to simplify, I am not saying the Wii deserves the example games listed, I'm saying that those are examples of good third party support, things that people should be excited for, games that get commercials, games that get sales, games that more than just a handful of pathetic internet Wii well-wishers care about and then get defensive about it when someone like me comes along with reality to rain on your parade. 

Though if I had to come up a reason for entitlement, just for shits and giggles, maybe damn near 50% market share and record breaking sales as the most successful console in video game history would be grounds. But shit, what do I know. I'm just a malcontent. Let's all break the bank and buy all five consoles so it doesn't matter what games are released where. Screw integrity, as long as the game isn't Nitro Bike let's all tell ourselves its a great game.

No one (or very few people) are saying these games are automatically going to be good.  That's ridiculous.  Just as ridiculous as saying RE5 or SF4 will be automatically good.  You can never completley judge quality until a game is released, but hoping said games are good, and anticipating them, is hardly stupid. 

The really stupid thing is you constantly flip-flop between what you want so that there is no way anyone can win.  If it's high quality, but low budget (Zack & Wiki) you complain it's not real support.  If it's high budget, but not a franchise you care for (Monster Hunter) you still complain it's not real support.  You are looking for a reason to complain.  It's called being a pessimist, not a realist.  

Other people say "I hope this will be good" you say "I don't care it's not real support."  You refuse to actually give these games a fair chance because your default point-of-view is so negative that you can't believe anything could possibly be good that's not a sequel to a franchise you've known for 10 years.  Hell, even when it is (Tenchu 4), you still complain.  You may have thought you were being cleverly sarcastic, but you are just a malcontent.  You have yet to prove yourself even capable of providing a "realistic" opinion on anything.  You are so caught up in your dark storm cloud of doom that god forbid you actually enjoy gaming. 


Am I finding reasons to complain or are you just trying to find reasons to act like everything is just fine.

How are my opinions unrealistic? Its a fact that third party developers are only giving the Wii minimal support with small projects and questionable quality games. Sorry I don't feel the same need as you to paint every single game given to the Wii by someone not Nintendo as an effort on par with the major projects being put on HD consoles.

My opinions are those of why this is by and large a no win generation. HD gaming has forced a limitation of games that can be made and a focus more so on pre-existing franchises which now have become such expensive endeavors that risks need to be eliminated to ensure profit returns. Meanwhile the Wii is given unremarkable support with games no one really cares that much about. This third party support you say I shold be content with for the Wii would have just been ignoreable shovelware last generation on a console like the PS2.

I'm sorry my reasoning is too complex for you. Let me break it down for you.

- Third party games are being handicapped in the number that can be made, the lack of new franchises or titles resulting in a bottlenecking of gaming all due to the dynamic born of HD gaming.

- Third party games are suffering on the opposite end due to the Wii where companies don't even put enough money into them to make a game that's above PS2 standards.

- Don't mistake my discontent with this dillema as actually suggesting the idea that things can in anyway be changed for the better now, I've given up on expecting change. But forgive me for not being upset when people say things like, "THE DROUGHT IS OVER".

My opinion is fine, it asks nothing unreasonable as it asks nothing at all, the only problem is your inability to stomach anyone's discontent with anything this generation. All you can do is offer the hypothetical, "Oh these bargain bin games might be the good games and the big budget titles might all suck and not sell." Even I have more faith in an artistically castrated big budget projects than what third party developers think the Wii demographic wants.


How about let's wait until E3. If there isn't enough Wii support by then, onimusha may have a point. If there are plenty of games, then I would say the drought is over.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Soriku said:
blackbird3216 said:
Yes. It seems that small developers such as high voltage software and frontier developments will be the ones that support the wii the most. On the other hand, big developers such as Ubisoft and Capcom continue to forget the wii. Hopefully, when they see the success the small developers have with core games on the wii, they will follow suit.

Capcom is forgetting the Wii? You DO know that Spyborgs is one of their biggest games right?

It may be, but only one game from a company the size of Capcom is not what I would call great support, and they are not even developing it internally...   (which might not be a bad thing)


naznatips said:

You are looking for a reason to complain.  It's called being a pessimist, not a realist.  

I call that nitpicking. 

LordTheNight, there are already plenty of Wii games in development, but most of them lack the recognition and the effort that 3rd party titles on PS3/360 get...I think that´s Onimusha´s point.

But I agree this year´s E3 will be the guide that shows us the future....after it´s gone, if we still don´t see enthusiasm towards the Wii, can the "but no one saw Wii´s success coming, give 3rd parties some time to addapt" line still be used?