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Onimusha is right on this one, Wii will only get spin-offs, ports, remakes. It wont get good exclusives, multiplats, or main series.

Its sad, because not everyone has enough money to buy all consoles. Saying that is just egoistic. 3rd party devs know that half of the userbase is willing to buy anything, so they ignore the other half, the one that cares about quality.
So why bother in making a great game? They will spend less making a port or a spin-off rather than a new game.

Capcom showed Spyborgs, but is that enough? Is it that real good? We know nothing so far, but that style and quality of graphics for example, isnt what we expected after they teased us with "Game similar to Lost Planets and Bionic Comando". Nor is the context of the game. I was expecting a game using RE4 engine, that looks far more polished, serious.

Ok, I dont want to whine anymore, I know great games are coming to Wii, but because big 3rd parties have nothing to show to world, they choose to make cheap games. Still, we will get good support from small and independet devs. This small devs are the future. They are eager to show they can make great games. When this devs stay exclusive to Wii and steal all the sales from the big devs, I will LOVE to see big devs crawling back to Nintendo, but oh well, there's still a lot of time left in this gen.

I'll just enjoy my games and the ones coming.