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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Tenchu 4 CONFIRMED exclusively on the Wii, screenshots inside!

Soriku said:
So WTF is Tenchu anyway? Is it a regular fighting game or is it some sort of adventure/fighting type thing like Ninja Gaiden or what?

Good to see more main series on the Wii anyway :)

 It's a stealth-action title. Think Metal Gear Solid without any guns.

Great find, yushire. I hope this revitalizes the franchise. 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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New scan:

Interesting. I'll need to see more though to know if I'll get it or not.

DMeisterJ said:
If you played Tenchu Z, like I have, you wouldn't be excited for this game in the least bit.

I'm playing it right now.  Is it bad when a game feels more like a job then actually have fun playing it.  I'm really just doing it for the achievements but I have had some fun with it.

I was just wondering because in the article it didn't actually say exclusive and i don't know what exclusive is in Japanese or else I would try to scan the pictures, is it going to be exclusive?  It says heading but that could mean other platforms.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Ratix240sx said:
I thought wrath of heaven was pretty good. Maybe I'm crazy.

 You're not crazy I enjoyed Wrath of Heaven on PS2 too or maybe we're both crazy...hhmmm...

 Anyways I have high hopes for this title because the Tenchu formula works for me : Ninjas (cool! even more so than pirates!), bloody stealth kills (good!) , poison rice (great and so funny!)

Signature goes here!

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BengaBenga said:

It's the year of the 4.

Fatal Frame

Come on Nintendo, give me Super Mario Bros 4!

or a Mario 2-D, I will love one.

quarashi said:
DMeisterJ said:
If you played Tenchu Z, like I have, you wouldn't be excited for this game in the least bit.

I'm playing it right now.  Is it bad when a game feels more like a job then actually have fun playing it.  I'm really just doing it for the achievements but I have had some fun with it.

I was just wondering because in the article it didn't actually say exclusive and i don't know what exclusive is in Japanese or else I would try to scan the pictures, is it going to be exclusive?  It says heading but that could mean other platforms.

It is confirmed exclusive in the scan yes.  Also, don't write it off for Tenchu Z since it's a spinoff made by a different developer.  At the same time, don't be more than cautiously optimistic since Tenchu hasn't been good since the PSX.

However, this is sort of a big deal... regardless of how good the game turns out to be, this is a series that put the spinoff on the 360 and the main game on the Wii.  

quarashi said:
DMeisterJ said:
If you played Tenchu Z, like I have, you wouldn't be excited for this game in the least bit.

I'm playing it right now. Is it bad when a game feels more like a job then actually have fun playing it. I'm really just doing it for the achievements but I have had some fun with it.

I was just wondering because in the article it didn't actually say exclusive and i don't know what exclusive is in Japanese or else I would try to scan the pictures, is it going to be exclusive? It says heading but that could mean other platforms.

 most of the writing is too small to read, but it says that the "real ninja action game is getting reborn being reborn on the Wii" in big letters.  Sounds like an exclusive to me.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

We have a release date already: october 23. (only in Japan)

link here and here

So will it be released in the US eventually trancos? I never played any of the games, but it looks promising and might try them out.