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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why do people keep claiming MGS4 is PS3's saviour?

Your missing so many titles on the MGS franchise... MGS3: Subsistence.. where is it?

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colonelstubbs said:
Naraku_Diabolos can suck my mother's tits.


I'm sorry I don't own an HD console to brag about the games. While the 'savior' games haven't helped out in sales with the console of my choice, so I have to bitch about why a non-HD console is slaughtering the competition ON THE INTERWEBZ. So I'm sorry that you're mad about this, but it's clearly not my fault that you have to resort to being rotten child on here.

Desroko said:
I can't waut until the acolytes move onto Killzone 2. The list of discarded saviors gets longer and longer.

No saviors are needed.  That's your mistake.

Sales are trending upward and are already above 360's.  The perfect storm of demand for breakout requires a large library of good games, but for PS3 will also include so much more, such as Blu-Ray, Home, free online gameplay, free worldwide videoconferencing via PS Eye, and eventual movie downloads as well (in current negotiation with studios).

konnichiwa said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:

I will have to fully agree with Superchunk on this one. A lot of people on this chat forum do not understand why the PS3 is not selling like crazy. Its game don't appeal to anyone but to the hardcore--a niche group that's a dying breed (heavy-violence and lack of positive intelligence that doesn't solve anything; aka GTA). Of course the casuals, over time, will become a better and new form of this emo-hardcore group we have now that is more centric and bent on having fun rather than bleeding your eyes into an orgasm while your brain goes dead.

Besides, does the new gaming community need the same experience rather than giving something new? I'd say that Nintendo got it right and people love 'change.'

Besides, Superchunk, the ONLY console that benefited on the release of GTAIV was NOT the PS3 or X360. It was the Wii with nearly 1 million units sold on the release week of GTAIV, and that games not available on the Wii. I think that when MGS4 is released, the Wii will go past 500k units sold. I bet Nintendo is holding back on their Wii consoles when the competition is releasing a heavy-hitter game title.


 I thought that we could only find people like you in the PS3 owners group o_o.....

Why? I would LOVE to own a PS3, but Sony's console does not have any of the games that interest me, besides JRPGs. Maybe that new Naruto game. If I only bought a PS3 right now, it would be for DVD/Blu-Ray purposes, until the games I like would appear.


Not this tired "MGS will do nothing" bullshit again.

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Nice read.

"Like you know"

ChuckG16 said:
You guys said that Haze would also save the Ps3, so whats next after MGS4 is gone?

LBP???hahahaha make me laugh

 Nobody said Haze was going to 'save' the PS3. 

If marketed correctly LittleBigPlanet could move a hell of a lot of consoles. It's original, it has casual and hardcore appeal and based off of previews from the media it sounds/looks awesome. LittleBigPlanet could sell more systems then MGS4.

The only thing that matters is the PS3 outselling the XBox 360 in total hardware sales.

darthdevidem01 said:

your scenario is definetely possible but the 360 falling of in America (it has been) but it just seems very unlikely..

I think Japan is what Ps3 needs to stand a chance for 1st place....if Wii60 stop selling in 3 year or 2 years n then Japan moves over to PS3 and the 10 year plan continues Ps3 may be 1st....merely due to more time compared to the others

but Wii is stills sold out..will it stop selling in 3 years....NO. will 360 ---- Maybe




If you want to be a successful fanboy you must twist half truths & make rumors seem true and use devices such as that.....not pure BS lies..

lmfao chuck got pwned

tombi123 said:
ChuckG16 said:
You guys said that Haze would also save the Ps3, so whats next after MGS4 is gone?

LBP???hahahaha make me laugh

 Nobody said Haze was going to 'save' the PS3. 

If marketed correctly LittleBigPlanet could move a hell of a lot of consoles. It's original, it has casual and hardcore appeal and based off of previews from the media it sounds/looks awesome. LittleBigPlanet could sell more systems then MGS4.


Look at that avatar!