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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why so much negative attitude this gen ?

It used to be you bought a console because you liked the games selection for it and I do not remember so many complains last gen about wether such and such game was available on one platform or another...

Whereas this gen, not a day pass without a new thread complaining about such and such game not being ported on X platform, or asking to boycott such and such editor because he does not support the given platform in the way fans want...

So are there that many people that actually made the choice to  buy a console and then hope the games would come for it, instead of checking carefully what the selection of available or announced games was before making their console selection ?

It seems to me that instead of blaming the developers a lot of the blame falls on the customer's side for not researching before buying...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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It's because they can't afford all of the systems and they want to play the games that are on systems many of these people don't have

Thats what I don't understand...if wii owners want all these games HD consoles are getting....they should just buy a HD console..

I brought a wii solely for Mario Galaxy n SSBB as I knew those games won't come Ps3...

so Wii owners should do the same if the 3rd Party Blockbusters are avoiding wii..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I have all 3 consoles, All have there positives and theyre negatives, i just enjoy talking about them, as i love gaming, sometimes that means positive posts, sometimes negative. Having all 3+ PC means i dont even need to worry about not being able to get games.

Its always been there.

"Like you know"

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I think things are pretty good this generation. Much better than last generation. I can't believe how much play time I'm getting out of my Wii games.

I'm sort of disappointed with most of the 360 games I've played so far, though.

People forget pretty quick what it was like back in the SNES/Genesis generation... the N64/PS1 generation...

There was a lot of hostility out there. It may be because you were too young to remember the fierce rivalries that were out there. One of the biggest arguing points was the difference between the SNES and Genesis Mortal Kombat (kudos to those who remember). It wasn't just between fans either. There was plenty of malice on the part of the console manufacturers as well.

This generation is no more hostile than any other ones; it's just that some people are now old enough to see it and the internet allows information to be exchanged much quicker.

@ WoW

Yeah, I remember the Mortal Kombat thing...

Good thing I had a Genesis ^^.

Wasn't the motto "Genesis does what Nintendon't"? I loved that motto.

This is the first time the entire industry has been revolutionized since the advent of the internet, so now we can tell how pissed off people are. These feelings were there when the PS1 changed everything as well, but we weren't fighting on forums.

Hell, when it was SNES vs. Genesis, we used to take it to the streets with chains and blades.

That question should be directed to the Xbots. I was bashed time and time again when I got a Launch 60GB PS3.