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It used to be you bought a console because you liked the games selection for it and I do not remember so many complains last gen about wether such and such game was available on one platform or another...

Whereas this gen, not a day pass without a new thread complaining about such and such game not being ported on X platform, or asking to boycott such and such editor because he does not support the given platform in the way fans want...

So are there that many people that actually made the choice to  buy a console and then hope the games would come for it, instead of checking carefully what the selection of available or announced games was before making their console selection ?

It seems to me that instead of blaming the developers a lot of the blame falls on the customer's side for not researching before buying...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !