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Forums - General Discussion - Top 20 most viewed Profiles in UK

I was checking the profiles and I have discovered that I am in the Top 20 most viewed profiles in the UK (14th place). Great, I'll keep on trying to improve my profile though so keep an eye out for me.

Currently playing: Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and Red Steel.

Wii Friend Codes:

Smash Bros Brawl- 5284 2865 3565

Mario Kart Wii- 0216 0932 4306

Mario Strikers Charged- 034471 707985

Send me a message if you have added me.

Around the Network

Yay ... Im #1 in Romania ... so do I get a cookie ?

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Is this not the first time you've made a thread about your profile views?

Not impressed.

Who are the other 19? Am I in it? Damnit I need answers! lol

highwaystar101 said:
Who are the other 19? Am I in it? Damnit I need answers! lol

You're 2nd, behind ioi ;)

Around the Network

Oh yeah, Me nad ioi are like the two best people in England, woohoo

but I'm 3rd if you count Sherlock99 cos he's English but lives in America, if memory serves me right.

I am sceptical these are all from seperate people, it wasn't long ago you were making a thread about 500 views and now you are over 3000 without making too many posts.

A bit of hit count self-inflation me thinks

I am 5th btw.

Lol, apparently one user is from Antarctica.

And 2 people are from Yugoslavia, even though it doesn't really exist anymore.

RolStoppable said:
I am #1 in Austria. Call me surprised.

OkeyDokey has more than you. 

Words Of Wisdom said:
RolStoppable said:
I am #1 in Austria. Call me surprised.

OkeyDokey has more than you.

 Austria... Australia

What's the damn difference??? lol