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Forums - Sony Discussion - PSBeyond gives MGS4 10/10


There is only so much I can say in this review without really spoiling too much for any gamer lucky enough to be first inline come June 12th, and subsequently, I will round this off by saying that as a dedicated gamer myself, and after countless hours lost to this incredible franchise, MGS4 Guns Of the Patriots is for me, one of the finest experiences I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing, playing, and controlling, and wish Kojima and his team every future success and thanks for such a masterful, delightful and seductive experience that they have so given me. A mind-blowing stealth adventure for the ages, and a final swansong for the mighty Solid Snake. 10/10






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not surprised!

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
"induced into his body by none other than Merry Silverburg during the Shadow Moses incident"


Anyways, another great score for MGS4.

Merry Silverbug.,LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

SpartanFX said:


There is only so much I can say in this review without really spoiling too much for any gamer lucky enough to be first inline come June 12th, and subsequently, I will round this off by saying that as a dedicated gamer myself, and after countless hours lost to this incredible franchise, MGS4 Guns Of the Patriots is for me, one of the finest experiences I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing, playing, and controlling, and wish Kojima and his team every future success and thanks for such a masterful, delightful and seductive experience that they have so given me. A mind-blowing stealth adventure for the ages, and a final swansong for the mighty Solid Snake. 10/10



TRANSLATION: 'There is only so much i can say in this review without Konami beating/slapping/spanking/sueing/shooting/putting a jihad on/whipping my ass

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Wow Colonelstubbs, what an erotic sequence of verbs.



Pretty obvious they would give MGS4 a 10/10. LOL the website is for PS fans anyway. It isnt credible. Still waiting for an unbiased review.


yup as MGS4 keeps on getting high scores....just keep on saying that to yourself

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

great score,keeping its average over 95%

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Perhaps there should be one MGS4 review score thread, with all the scores posted on the first page? I'd do it myself but.... i'm lazy
