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THey are both great choices and overall they both will last a long time With METAL GEAR ONLINE which was great in the beta time i had with it. BRAWL is also great with online play. I would just go with the cheaper game at the time.

so go MGS - twin snaks, BRAWL, the MGS4.

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Hate to say it, but get Brawl, without any past MGS experience, i doubt MGS will be great, which is why I am not getting it

If you like very long cut scenes (2 are about 90 minutes long) and if you like watching your games as much as you play them, or perhaps more, then Metal Gear Solid 4.

If you like fierce competition and challenging gaming then Brawl. Smash Brothers games are brutally fun.

I think people should buy MGS4 even if they DONT own a PS3, so obviously im going to say BUY MGS4!!!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

The_vagabond7 said:
And despite what some one above said, Brawl has more than a little depth. There is plenty there to keep you busy. I've had it since launch day at midnight and I still play it regularly (a few times a week) both offline and on. Brawl will be able to last you easily until you can get enough money for MGS4 later.

By depth I didn't mean replay value. I meant depth. Most people seem to enjoy 'simple' games (they should not be confused with casual though). Some need more depth. And some need even more (such as in some hex-strategy games).

Just to clarify my previous post, I only pointed out a few things for MGS4 - not for or against SSBB. How could I if I haven't played it.

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SSBB, it will last longer and you can play it with your friends (wich is the coolest thing)

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Get Brawl you'll have a great nintendo franshise and you also have Snake by your side to satisfy your starting MGS needs.

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Zkuq said:
The_vagabond7 said:
And despite what some one above said, Brawl has more than a little depth. There is plenty there to keep you busy. I've had it since launch day at midnight and I still play it regularly (a few times a week) both offline and on. Brawl will be able to last you easily until you can get enough money for MGS4 later.

By depth I didn't mean replay value. I meant depth. Most people seem to enjoy 'simple' games (they should not be confused with casual though). Some need more depth. And some need even more (such as in some hex-strategy games).

Just to clarify my previous post, I only pointed out a few things for MGS4 - not for or against SSBB. How could I if I haven't played it.

 The Metal Gear Series does have a lot of depth but don't write off SSBB as shallow either. I've been playing the game since launch and I still have plenty to learn : techniques to add to my fighting style, ways to avoid being edge-garded, knowing the timing and range of the characters I don't use, perfecting my recovery, shielding grabbing, etc..

Signature goes here!

I'd you want to go the easy route, there are plenty of websites (Wikipedia comes to mind), that can get you up-to-date on the full MG/MGS plotline.
I'd highly suggest renting the games and trying them out yourself, as they're fantastic, but if its just the story you want, that's a cheap way to go.

But it pretty much boils down to whether or not you play through the old MGS' or read through its story. If not, Brawl would be best for now, and you can invest in MGS later down the road.

I have to agree with the purchase of SSBB.
But if you can find some way of getting more money, you should still absolutely buy MGS4.
It is one of the most/(if not the most) iconic game for the PS3 this generation.

Yeah you might not be able to follow Kojima's craziness.... but nobody can.

The game will be formed at multiple times the Budget of SSBB which is much more bang for your buck. (if that matters to you)

The games aren't comparable in any way.
So it should be a personal decision for which one you want more.

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