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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo Sees Slow Wii Sales in Korea

Well it's a PC market. And consoles are trying to break into a PC market. So far the only huge hit there outside of the PC has been the DS, and Nintendo put a hell of a lot of work in there to make sure that was huge. I mean the advertising and getting that big PC game to the DS. I mean it was sure to break.

Wii is going to take a little more effort considering that the PC and console markets collide a little more, especially among core gamers. But Wii is generally more accepted by the PC crowd, generally due to it's not scraping off anything of the PC gaming market(in their eyes at least) so it should continue to sell like it is: well in that market size.

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Sales are slow, but Korea is a PC gaming market anyways. That's why Zack and Wiki sold 8,000 in a month over there?

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

One thing you have to remember is that the PS3 (to my knowledge) launched in Korea before it launched in Europe. So the PS3 launched in Korea around the same time that it launched in America and Japan. Due to that, Sony likely had very low supply to allocate to the country. Just look at the pitiful hardware sales that it had at the beginning of its life in "Other," and now look.

The Wii is supply constrained, sure, but maybe only in America and a few other countries. They have plenty of stock for a huge launch in Korea which Sony likely did not. Same for the 360, although Microsoft's stock problem wasn't as bad.

It's interesting to see that Zack & Wiki and other highly acclaimed games sell well in Korea. They're not going for the casual games like the other regions are. Due to this, the Wii isn't likely to cause an expansion like it did elsewhere. The market will have to expand with more games and time. And of course, more population.



A country where old men call young girls a prostitute only because they walk around with a foreigner deserves no respect and no wii sales.

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Zack and Wiki sold well cause it was one of the few launch titles, not because its a PC title. They didn't have much else to buy.

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Faxanadu said:
A country where old men call young girls a prostitute only because they walk around with a foreigner deserves no respect and no wii sales.

There are a million things wrong with every country, and I could bring up several examples. But that was unnecessary to bring up. Consider yourself warned. 




Hi all (back for a couple of posts, then gone for another week...):

Korea is very much NOT a casual gaming market - it might be one of the most "hardcore" markets in the world. As the Wii really does model on viral distribution - it needs to get out into homes, and actually have peoples friends come and play it - its going to take some time to build up some momentum.

Its pretty big for Ninty that they have launched in Korea at all - and I'm sure they will be working hard to get extra titles out in the pipeline soon. Realise that it only has a few titles available at launch - most of the big guns are still coming.

Lets give it 6 months, then evaluate how the sales are going. At worst, its more units for the rest of the world!


If it continues at this rate, it will outsell the PS3 in another 2 weeks - and the 360 by the end of the year.

I really, really hope Starcraft (or something similar) is in development for the Wii.

Gesta Non Verba

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Zucas said:
Zack and Wiki sold well cause it was one of the few launch titles, not because its a PC title. They didn't have much else to buy.

well isnt korea mostly a PC gaming country?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Well Nintendo needs to do like they did with a DS and get a big Korean PC game over there. That DS game was Maple Story. If Nintendo can do something similar with the Wii, possibly Starcraft, it'll take off just like DS did. Hell doesn't even need to release, just be announced haha. Advertising. The platform that will get that ya know.

brute said:
Zucas said:
Zack and Wiki sold well cause it was one of the few launch titles, not because its a PC title. They didn't have much else to buy.

well isnt korea mostly a PC gaming country?

Yes but I think the correlation has to do with lack of a plentiful amount of launch titles and subsequent releases on the Wii in the gaming market.  It's going to be mostly core Korean gamers buying the Wii at launch meaning they'll buy multiple games.  Meaning the attach rates for any games at launch will be a lot higher, if there is less of them.