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Hi all (back for a couple of posts, then gone for another week...):

Korea is very much NOT a casual gaming market - it might be one of the most "hardcore" markets in the world. As the Wii really does model on viral distribution - it needs to get out into homes, and actually have peoples friends come and play it - its going to take some time to build up some momentum.

Its pretty big for Ninty that they have launched in Korea at all - and I'm sure they will be working hard to get extra titles out in the pipeline soon. Realise that it only has a few titles available at launch - most of the big guns are still coming.

Lets give it 6 months, then evaluate how the sales are going. At worst, its more units for the rest of the world!


If it continues at this rate, it will outsell the PS3 in another 2 weeks - and the 360 by the end of the year.

I really, really hope Starcraft (or something similar) is in development for the Wii.

Gesta Non Verba

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