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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubi tries to bail out

dib8rman said:
Sega is good too... nvm... at least they suck all around now - everyone has a right to boycott Sega >.>

 No sega seems to be coming back. Sonic unleashed looks promising, and they are starting to publish platinum games. I would say high voltage. Even though they aren't big they're three games seem to be more than an effort than most large companies. 

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dib8rman said:
Sega is good too... nvm... at least they suck all around now - everyone has a right to boycott Sega >.>

well sega have atleast been trying,sonic atsr was good,i liked M&S,and now sonic unleashed is looking good

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

psrock said:
boom blox by EA is well talked about too.

i hope word of mouth will help this sell

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

ItsaMii said:
rocketpig said:
sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
sc94597 said:
rocketpig said:
Wii owners sure are a whiny bunch. So what if Ubi doesn't have any games for your console? Why do people care so damned much? Is there some sort of legal obligation forcing all developers to make games for the Wii that I'm missing here?

Then don't release ANY games if you don't care about supporting the console with good games.

So the CEO is a lying douchebag? That's your complaint?

If that's your barometer for liking or disliking a company, your list of boycotted companies must be about two miles long.

No most developers that don't want to support the wii come out and say it. Ubisoft lies and then says it ok you get this game. Not to mention that ubisoft was the first to support the wii and made two decent games for it and a good port. Now they ignore it and release shovelware?

So what? There are plenty of companies whose games I don't buy.

Seriously, the people on this forum sound like petulant children who just had their favorite lollipop taken away from them.

I agree. It is almost as pathectic as those user complaining about Fallout 3. The industry does not have to cater to their tastes.

It doesn't have to. But the users don't have to like it. And they can express their opinion. There were far more childlish and pointless things going on these forums than this Ubisoft upset.

As for Fallout 3 - they can make the game however they like, but so far the Fallout part is only regarding the setting, not the game phylosophy. I hope i'm wrong tho. 


that's still very poor support by the third parties, i expect this to change by next year. They must know how well the wii sell, but it needs a game like conduient to sell pretty well.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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psrock said:
that's still very poor support by the third parties, i expect this to change by next year. They must know how well the wii sell, but it needs a game like conduient to sell pretty well.
Look at my ds support thread. That is how I believe the wii will get it's support. The same way the ds did.


psrock said:
that's still very poor support by the third parties, i expect this to change by next year. They must know how well the wii sell, but it needs a game like conduient to sell pretty well.

alot of companies are playing catch up

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

brute said:
psrock said:
let's get technical, i want to know which 3rd party has given the wii its best games so far?


that would have to be capcom

 Konami showed lots of support too - Elebits, Dewy's adventure and a radically diffirent PES (control wise).


dib8rman said:

 I thought I was being quite fair, when you compare install bases then to now and the supply demand issue, relatively it grossly underperformed, considering their actions. 

  You're ignoring that first Rabbids game has also been on the market a year longer than it's sequel. Also Rabbids 2 generally received less favorable criticism both "professionally" and from customer reviews than the first one. So for what's commonly considered a lack luster sequel it's done pretty well.


Glad someone agrees with me standing up to that lunatic. =) 

I have an idea....why don't Wii owners stop buying these crap games in droves, and maybe they'll stop making them