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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who has beaten every Final Fantasy and/or Dragon Quest Game?

Just as the title suggests, who out there has beaten every Final Fantasy and/or Dragon Quest Game out to date?

If you are up to the challenge, unlock the ultimate achievement, and join me in beating all of these games. 

 Here are the ones that i heave beaten, and the system I beat them on:


Final Fantasy 1- PS1 and again on GBA

Final Fantasy 2- PS1 and again on GBA

Final Fantasy 3- DS

Final Fantasy 4- SNES and again on PS1

Final Fantasy 5- PS1

Final Fantasy 6- SNES and again on PS1

Final Fantasy 7- PS1

Final Fantasy 8- PS1

Final Fantasy 9- PS1

Final Fantasy 10- PS2

Final Fantasy 11- PS2 and PC, but you can't really beat it can you?

Final Fantasy 12- PS2

Oh and can't leave out Final Fantasy Mystic Quest on SNES


Dragon Quest 1- Gameboy Color

Dragon Quest 2- Gameboy Color

Dragon Quest 3- Gameboy Color

Dragon Quest 4- Currently Playing on DS

Dragon Quest 8- PS2


So I just need to finish DQ 4, and beat 5, 6, and 7.


What about you? Post what games you have beaten, and make a commitment to finish the rest off. Are you up to the challenge?

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All the final fantasys, but only 2 dragon quests, will be four more when they've all come out on the ds.

Interesting challenge.

I've played 8 of those games, but the only one I've actually beat is FF6. I got up to the very end on FF2, FF7, and DQ3, but never beat them.

Anyway, I don't think I'll do this, at least not for a while, seeing as I don't have most of them (FF8-11, all DQ) and also, I can't stand playing FF1.

OP, you are truly hardcore.

I watched Spirits Within and Advent Children. I am slightly less hardcore. :(

Final Fantasy 10- PS2-----> I beat that game a couple of years ago..AWESOME!!!!!
Dragon Quest 8- PS2-----> I haven't started it yet, but certainly will soon

So the only Final Fantasy games I have beaten will be FFX...I just got into the RPG universe about the same year I played FFX. So I know nothing about RPG's or play them a lot.

I have played Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and FFXII. But I took them back because I couldn't get into them like I wanted. But I will rebuy them soon.

Dragon Quest I'm a n00b to and so is Final Fantasy. But I'm planning to buy all the remakes that Square Enix is now releasing for the platforms they are selecting :)

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I've managed to beat

Final Fantasy I (NES)
Final Fantasy IV (SNES)

I hated FFI, but loved FFIV. I'm yet to try any of the other ones. I'm considering buying a couple for the DS though and playing through. I don't think I could ever beat all of them though.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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I have finished two Final Fantasy games, and only played 3...., though those numbers will soon be going up to 3 and 4 when I get Crisis Core!!! (unless you are not counting games like that, which I guess you are not, so my count goes down to 2 played, 2 finished)

All the FF's main serie. But I am a big fan of smaller RPG's like Shin Megami Tensei, and in the PS one days Star ocean =p.

I never could beat a DQ because there was always a other RPG waiting for me, And I never have been a big fan of the DQ serie.... And the last DQ I played gave me headaches...Ugh X_X.

Less impressive for me.

Final Fantasy 1

Final Fantasy 2

Final Fantasy 3

Final Fantasy 4

Final Fantasy 5

Final Fantasy 6

Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Dragon Warrior 1

Dragon Warrior Monsters

Dragon Warrior Monsters 2

I'll beat 12... eventually, when i can stomach the rest of the bad story.

After FF 6, the quality in the FF series just hasn't been there... and i'd rather spend my time on many other RPGs. (most other rpgs actually.)

As for Dragon Quest... don't know why I haven't picked up more of them. I really liked them.  I should track down DW 2 and 3 on NES. 

I've beaten FFIII (DS), FFVII (PS1), FFX (PS2), DQVIII (PS2), and am currently playing FFXII + DQIV.

Out of all the FF and DQ games that I have played, I must say that thoroughly enjoyed DQVIII the most. I am currently near the end of Chapter 5 on DQIV and I heard that SE have added a new Chapter to the game so I am looking forward as to what the new chapter will be about. I lost interest in FFXII and may never finish the game but at least I know I'll finally get to play the new FFIV DS when it's released here in July.

You, morosneo, are def hardcore when it comes to FF and DQ. Now, lets wait for SE to finally announce a Chrono Trigger remake for the DS.

Proud Owner of all 3 current-gen systems

Currently Playing:
SSBB, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, MKWii, GTA IV (360), MGS4, DQIV, Jeanne d'Arc, FFVII: Crisis Core, Chrono Trigger (PSX)

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