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Just as the title suggests, who out there has beaten every Final Fantasy and/or Dragon Quest Game out to date?

If you are up to the challenge, unlock the ultimate achievement, and join me in beating all of these games. 

 Here are the ones that i heave beaten, and the system I beat them on:


Final Fantasy 1- PS1 and again on GBA

Final Fantasy 2- PS1 and again on GBA

Final Fantasy 3- DS

Final Fantasy 4- SNES and again on PS1

Final Fantasy 5- PS1

Final Fantasy 6- SNES and again on PS1

Final Fantasy 7- PS1

Final Fantasy 8- PS1

Final Fantasy 9- PS1

Final Fantasy 10- PS2

Final Fantasy 11- PS2 and PC, but you can't really beat it can you?

Final Fantasy 12- PS2

Oh and can't leave out Final Fantasy Mystic Quest on SNES


Dragon Quest 1- Gameboy Color

Dragon Quest 2- Gameboy Color

Dragon Quest 3- Gameboy Color

Dragon Quest 4- Currently Playing on DS

Dragon Quest 8- PS2


So I just need to finish DQ 4, and beat 5, 6, and 7.


What about you? Post what games you have beaten, and make a commitment to finish the rest off. Are you up to the challenge?