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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EGM boycott: no Metal Gear Solid 4 review

I have a free subscription to EGM right now but when that is over, I will be giving them my money to reward them for showing a little integrity in an industry full of whores.


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Torillian said:
Is there anything that proves what exact reason the EGM staff is delaying their review?

As has been said, there is a long list of things Konami doesn't want people to say, and EGM could just as easily be delaying the review so they have more freedom in writing things that could be considered spoilers. Or perhaps they want to mention the cutscenes and install, but it still won't affect the score.

I get the feeling that some here don't think the game deserves the scores it has gotten, and they're looking to EGM now for some kind of divine retribution, and you may be disappointed.

Or it could be that people find it a problem that a company would insist that reviewers don't mention something that most people would find as negative flaw of the game.

If reviewers can start telling review magazines that they can't review flaws in the game... what's the point of reviews?

It's got nothing to do with the score.  I'm sure the scores would silently reflect those flaws anwyay... however the lack of information to the public... is just distrubing. 

BengaBenga said:
Wow, I'm amazed that there are even people that defend Konami here.

What happened to freedom of press? What happened to expecting an unbiased review from reviewers?

If Konami fears bad reviews, they should not send review copies, but if they do I think it's absolutely unacceptable to set demands for the review.

Everyone is right here.

Konami can place whatever restrictions it wants on its games and rags may choose to follow them or break them.  Konami should be run the way the people in control of the company want it run as long as it does don't terrible things.

Rags may give games whatever score they want or non at all.  Keep in mind the EGM only reviews a tiny % of the total games and they don't review many of the big games.

This has nothing to do with freedom of the press.  That has to do with the press and its interactions with governments and laws.

Benga, are you calling for more regulations and laws on how videogame companies run?  It looks that way and that is the exact opposite of what is best for gamers.  The less connected governments and game companies are, the better it is for all of us. 



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DMeisterJ said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
DMeisterJ said:
Well, EGM said they're still reviewing it, just after the restrictions are lifted.

So they're not boycotting in the sense of not reviewing, just waiting. Also, they just wanted to get some attention.

That is a boycott. That's how it works. Boycotts don't mean you stop doing something forever. It means you stop doing something until your demands are met (like going on strike, only the consumer instead of the worker).

A boycott or strike is different though.

You don't know how long it'll last, and you don't know what the end result will be, you may get a raise, you may get your benefits, or you may not.

What EGM is doing is waiting until next month to review it.

I don't understand how that's anywhere close to a boycott, rather than just keeping the integrity of their magazine together, and vying for unneccessary attention. (not that I don't respect them for that, keep journalistic integrity intact, just don't make a huge deal about it. They didn't have to mention anything, except say the review would be next month. Doing the whole roundtable thing, and the comment about Konami's muting of what could be talked about was only to exacerbate the problem, and to bring this into the spotlight for some publicity.)

I disagree. Honest reviewers need to point out what kind of restrictions the early review whores are under and how they sacrificed integrity to achieve their goal of extra copies sold and extra website hits. 


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its konami's game, they can do what they want.
plus, its obvious that EGM slants towards 360, they put GOW2 on their cover instead of MGS4.

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jankazimierz said:
its konami's game, they can do what they want.
plus, its obvious that EGM slants towards 360, they put GOW2 on their cover instead of MGS4.

Fanboy much? Defending Konami for this type of behavior is ridiculous and trying to turn the argument on EGM is even more absurd. You sound like a corporate schill.

BTW, I think MGS4 just went from "buy" to "rent". Shame on you, Konami. This kind of attitude toward journalists absolutely repulses me.

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jankazimierz said:
its konami's game, they can do what they want.
plus, its obvious that EGM slants towards 360, they put GOW2 on their cover instead of MGS4.

I can pretty much guarantee you that MGS4 has appeared on the cover of EGM a number of times equal to or greater than Gears of War 2. The big story of the month goes on the cover, not one game that is merely due for review.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
DMeisterJ said:
Well, EGM said they're still reviewing it, just after the restrictions are lifted.

So they're not boycotting in the sense of not reviewing, just waiting. Also, they just wanted to get some attention.

That is a boycott. That's how it works. Boycotts don't mean you stop doing something forever. It means you stop doing something until your demands are met (like going on strike, only the consumer instead of the worker).

A boycott or strike is different though.

You don't know how long it'll last, and you don't know what the end result will be, you may get a raise, you may get your benefits, or you may not.

What EGM is doing is waiting until next month to review it.

I don't understand how that's anywhere close to a boycott, rather than just keeping the integrity of their magazine together, and vying for unneccessary attention. (not that I don't respect them for that, keep journalistic integrity intact, just don't make a huge deal about it. They didn't have to mention anything, except say the review would be next month. Doing the whole roundtable thing, and the comment about Konami's muting of what could be talked about was only to exacerbate the problem, and to bring this into the spotlight for some publicity.)

I disagree. Honest reviewers need to point out what kind of restrictions the early review whores are under and how they sacrificed integrity to achieve their goal of extra copies sold and extra website hits.


Yeah, all they are doing is hrut themselves financially by losing some Konami adds i'd imagine.


BengaBenga said:
Wow, I'm amazed that there are even people that defend Konami here.

What happened to freedom of press? What happened to expecting an unbiased review from reviewers?

If Konami fears bad reviews, they should not send review copies, but if they do I think it's absolutely unacceptable to set demands for the review.

 Just saying, you would be surprised how many devs do this.

SpartanFX said:
I do believe that konami should not have put any restriction on the game.

anyways,EGM can just buy a 59 bucks copy and review it however they wish.

 Because you get the game in advance to review it, you should let go your journalistic integrity? Reviewers need to tell their readers exactly what they need to know. A 4GB installation and 90 minutes cutscenes is a really important thing for a lot of people to know. It's important for people that are uncertain to get the game. Those that never played a MGS before and are reading the review to know if their kind of game.

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