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Torillian said:
Is there anything that proves what exact reason the EGM staff is delaying their review?

As has been said, there is a long list of things Konami doesn't want people to say, and EGM could just as easily be delaying the review so they have more freedom in writing things that could be considered spoilers. Or perhaps they want to mention the cutscenes and install, but it still won't affect the score.

I get the feeling that some here don't think the game deserves the scores it has gotten, and they're looking to EGM now for some kind of divine retribution, and you may be disappointed.

Or it could be that people find it a problem that a company would insist that reviewers don't mention something that most people would find as negative flaw of the game.

If reviewers can start telling review magazines that they can't review flaws in the game... what's the point of reviews?

It's got nothing to do with the score.  I'm sure the scores would silently reflect those flaws anwyay... however the lack of information to the public... is just distrubing.