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Forums - Sony Discussion - Alone in the Dark delayed on PS3 (again)


I have a little experience with the Cell engine, and what allergic says is partially true. Straightforward CPU code is just about as easy as on any other modern processor, but unless you can rely on that sort of code, you have to work a lot harder and use the SPE's. The PS3 will probably have some absolutely jaw-dropping exclusive titles one day (GT5 is shaping up to be one of them), but porting a game from another platform can be tricky if the primary CPU code doesn't provide the performance needed.

 Do you think as each developer does a similar 'take more time to get it right' approach, that they will then come to understand the SPE's better and be more efficient at programming it? or is it a perpetually confusing thing to do?


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

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It hadnt a concrete release date and it was known that it wasnt released in June along the other versions.How is it suppossed to be delayed AGAIN if it hadnt a date to start with?

konnichiwa said:
I just read a review of it today and it got a 74. I am not really interested in it anymore.

I'd give Mario Galaxy 7/ I don't think you should base your opinion on one review.

nice. That's what devs should do when a game isn't keep the expectations it should. This is one major reason Nintendo games are always good. They don't put out games that have any known flaws.

Congrats Eden Games!!

@GodofWine I do cell development. I think people's main issue is that unlike "normal" (ie what x86 ppl are used to) parallel programming there is no cache-coherency between SPEs. This is just going to have to be something programmers are going to have to learn (re-learn from the old super-mini days) how to develop for it as it just isn't feasible to maintain coherency as you scale the number of cores up.

In the short term though, 3rd parties will get better as the main commercial engine developers get better at programming for cell. 1st Party products will always be superior though as you almost always lose something in abstraction (no matter what the Java/.Net people tell you).

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alephnull said:
@GodofWine I do cell development. I think people's main issue is that unlike "normal" (ie what x86 ppl are used to) parallel programming there is no cache-coherency between SPEs. This is just going to have to be something programmers are going to have to learn (re-learn from the old super-mini days) how to develop for it as it just isn't feasible to maintain coherency as you scale the number of cores up.

In the short term though, 3rd parties will get better as the main commercial engine developers get better at programming for cell. 1st Party products will always be superior though as you almost always lose something in abstraction (no matter what the Java/.Net people tell you).

Alephnull, I believe you hit that nail squarely on the head. 

disolitude said:
konnichiwa said:
I just read a review of it today and it got a 74. I am not really interested in it anymore.

I'd give Mario Galaxy 7/ I don't think you should base your opinion on one review.

 Yes but it comes from a Magazine who are trustworthy though. 

a thumbs up from me, at least they are not realeasing a pile of chopy trash. Manbe EA should take note of this when they decide to make another multi-plat game

konnichiwa said:
I just read a review of it today and it got a 74. I am not really interested in it anymore.
what is wrong with a 74? That's average, and you should go off the content more than the score.

 Also @ Konnichiwaa are you the same as konnichiwa ,because it seems to me that you responded to a response meant for konnichiwa. Why the new account?

sc94597 said:
konnichiwa said:
I just read a review of it today and it got a 74. I am not really interested in it anymore.
what is wrong with a 74? That's average, and you should go off the content more than the score.

 Also @ Konnichiwaa are you the same as konnichiwa ,because it seems to me that you responded to a response meant for konnichiwa. Why the new account?

 Well the review stated that the content was okay but the game had some issues (can't remember all of them) but one stated that the gameplay was very slow so slow that your rather wants to throw it away than playing it...

It was the Power Unlimted of the Netherlands, I don't have the magazine with me because it is my brothers one but if I can read it again soon I will wrote down what they said;

About my account well it was again 'Steal a members password night'

At that night all the mods go online at AIM and start playing the game.  First they choose one person who throws the dice.  Person X throwed a 3 today.  The three stands for thee digits        .      .        .    

Then they ask three mods to say a number from 1 till 10 (for the three digits).    Today the three mods answered with:    5     8    0 .   Then they search the person who is member 580 on this site..

Me:   <= See.

After they have found the member they will steal the persons password and wait till the member makes a doubleaccount and starts complaining about it and send MAILS to where they can read his mails and laugh with him....  Does this sounds cruel?  Well they are reptillians (Click on it for proof).

They are hoping now that I will ask to fix it for me but I will not give them that pleasure so I will annoy him even more like I did before till they gave my password back!  They really don't want to see konnichiwaaa and konnichiwaaaa!

PS:  Watch out that you will not be the next victim, they already got Rubang's account before and they are holding him under compulsion, that poor boy is even gone so far that he made those nude avatars for them...

Don't believe the mods when they say it is the site's problem,  ever saw a site who steal/deletes members their passwords?