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Forums - Sales Discussion - metal gear really a system seller or a niche product with a loyal following

Q_A_X said:
Edge have Halo 3 a 10. They're idiots. End of.

 hmmm what the hell is wrong with Halo 3? It's one of the best games this gen in my opinion...and MANY review sites.

Anyway, mgs4 is a system seller but i don't know exactly how much it will affect ps3 sales. 

Maybe as much as GTAIV?  

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Imperial said:
lol they rated Halo 3 10/10 , Never heard of Edge here in the UK but with reviews like that i'm guessing I never will.

 you obviously do not follow games journalism do you. I mean, come on you live in the UK, it's in every big newsagents!

Concerning the hate for the 10/10 Halo 3 score...

I back up everybody who says it didnt deserve it

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

First, I think that MGS4 will have some major impact on PS3 sales the coming month, but beyond that, very little. I simply cannot see people this autumn going "I need a PS3 because it had MGS4!". Much as I cannot see any game having that effect.

About MGS4 being a nisch game... Who said that being nisch or not had anything to do with sales? If a game appeals to the entire market it's a mainstream game, if it appeals to only a part of the market, it's a niche game, right? Has nothing to do with sales, imo. And that's all I'm going to say about that. I'm not in a position (and neither are most of you) to say which category it really belongs in.

I could see PS3 sales going up to about 450k tops release week, and going back to original levels (or thereabouts) within 4 weeks of release.

It'll be interesting to see how Nintendo moves. When GTAIV was released they pulled off a great stunt, and I wouldn't be surprised if they did that again, just to trump sony.

This is invisible text!

enough of arguements, 12th june is nearing ;) just wait and see guys

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I don't think it will move much hardware, because this game was what sold lots of early buyers before it was delayed.

It will easily be a million seller, so I wouldn't call it niche.

Also, not sure why you are expecting a permanent rise in hardware from 1 game, a few weeks of a hardware rise is the most you can ask for from a game like this.

It will be a system seller in a lesser extent than GTA4 was, so don't expect sales to go over the roof, or you'll be disappointed.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

kowenicki said:
kingofwale said:
wouldn't consider 4-5 million owners who will end up buying this game "niche".

I don't really consider Edge as that respected, 6 for Mario Kart? Even I would've given it a 7.

You are in a minority... most people do respect EDGE and your basis for not respecting them is giving Mario Kart a 6 rather than a 7.... ??

Id say MGS4 will eventually be between 3 and 4 million rather than 4 - 5.... but the key word is eventually... I was asking if it is a system seller... I think the answer is no.. aside from maybe a slight blip for a few weeks.

So I ask again... which game will drive the sales?


By the way.................

                            Japan         Others         US

MGS                     0.78m        2.00m          2.81m

MGS2                   0.85m        2.42m          2.29m

MGS3                   0.86m        1.42m          1.69m

Not so sure about the loyal following looking at that.....

Christ man do you have some sort of Vendetta against the game? It really is a great game coming from every source except Eurogamer and Edge. IGN gave it a 9.9 and I trust them more than any other site or magazine. So unless you're interested in the game and just worried about how it will turn out, shut up because you have no other reason to talk about the game other than to troll.

A few other people have touched on this but i think MGS IV won't move alot of hardware because of the current software environment on the PS3. Allow me to elaborate.

We've seen several high profile games touted as system sellers come and go on the PS3 with nary a whimper. This highlights a difference for Playstation between this generation and the previous 2. Traditionally games like GTA , MGS and other top of the line PS franchises have hit the market with a bang and to some extent or another moved hardware.

The point that some people miss is that regular people aren't buying the system for this one game even though they may have finally made their purchase because of that one game. If you have a high profile game released onto a system that already has, at least in public perception, an already solid library, it becomes the proverbial, "straw that broke the camels back". So while Playstation 3 is getting it's big releases i still think it is currently lacking the back catalogue, relative to previous generations, that makes people comfortable about finally splash out for that one game.

Quality doesnt necessarily decide sales, look at Enter The Matrix(bad game good sales) and Okami and Prince of Persia:Sands of Time(vice versa). And I personally have never heard of Edge, so it just seems that theyre trying to gain attention. They also seem kinda biased in my opinion based on the scores you posted. Regardless, Metal Gear is one of the most revered franchises of all time and sells an exceptional amount of copies each installment so I think it'll sell regardless on if its a system seller or not. If it doesnt sell itll still be great. And Sony never really relied on system sellers, theyve always had a wide variety of quality games, which have led to their success.

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