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A few other people have touched on this but i think MGS IV won't move alot of hardware because of the current software environment on the PS3. Allow me to elaborate.

We've seen several high profile games touted as system sellers come and go on the PS3 with nary a whimper. This highlights a difference for Playstation between this generation and the previous 2. Traditionally games like GTA , MGS and other top of the line PS franchises have hit the market with a bang and to some extent or another moved hardware.

The point that some people miss is that regular people aren't buying the system for this one game even though they may have finally made their purchase because of that one game. If you have a high profile game released onto a system that already has, at least in public perception, an already solid library, it becomes the proverbial, "straw that broke the camels back". So while Playstation 3 is getting it's big releases i still think it is currently lacking the back catalogue, relative to previous generations, that makes people comfortable about finally splash out for that one game.