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Forums - General Discussion - I graduated from high school tonight. :o

W00t! I never have to go to high school ever again! ^___^

and how are you this tonight/morning/afternoon/evening? 

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Congrats, now you have to deal with college >.>

Congratulations :).

College is a hell lot of fun (Gals paradise) or will you start with working :)?

What will you study/doing for job?

I am fine thx;

I already have a job. I don't know if I will go to college.

What do you do?



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Gratz :)
In Australia when school is finished, all the students go down to the coast and just drink, take drugs and party for a whole week.

It's awesome. Although there's a 90% chance of getting either raped, robbed, bashed, having your drink spiked or all of the above.

Do they have anything like that in the States?

You got raped OkeyDokey?

Do all high school students end school by the beginning of June, or is this a special case?

Anyhow, congrats. Enjoy your work if you decide not to go to college (you already found a job so quickly after moving..............what do you do?).

konnichiwa said:
You got raped OkeyDokey?

 Only by AoA but it was enjoyed by all.



Congrats, I still got a few years to go...wahhh

I still think you should go to college, think of all the collage parties you could go to