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Forums - General Discussion - Allright everyone, time to call me crazy!

The guy in the video makes a really good point though. Why does everything have to be [strongbad voice]
[/strongbad voice]
Shouldn't someone who has basic photography skills have been able to take a good photograph by now??


This looks like a good read, but I don't have time to read it tonight. 

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Oh, by the way. For what it's worth on the "Crazy" side.

I've had many "half-dreams" where things have occured that I thought were real. Things floating in mid air. Animals breaking into the house that i thought were real so i was chasing them but they weren't until ic ame too. People watching or standing over me, people attacking etc.

One time it was that a demon was ripping his hands through the ground trying to grab me. I ran and ran. Grabbed a baseball bat, and darted outside on the concrete "where he wouldn't be able to break through... then stood next to the door ready to hit the thing as it came though.

I came to my senses like a second after my mom came through the door.

Was likely a few seconds away from accidently hitting her.

Happened with a knife once too. I didn't almost stab anybody but i did come to with a sheathed knife in my hand.  Kinda like night terrors but i can remember them all too well.

Short lesson was for me to not sleep with weapons anywhere near my bed.

Also when i was younger I was positive I had been aducted by aliens in the past. I used to sleep with a bunch of stuffed animals and with a sheet over my head to hide. Often times i couldn't go to sleep until i imagined that aliens came by, picked up the sheet, or almost did and looked around. Complained that i must be gone since there was nothing but stuffed animals and left.

So... I'm just kinda crazy i guess.

Kasz216 said:
epsilon72 said:
Moongoddess256 said:
You know honestly if its some sort of stealth aircraft, it really wouldn't surprise me if they would go pretty far to keep people from actually acknowledging its existence.

And thus, if all who saw it aren't lying and weren't tripping on acid, its probably a stealth aircraft of sorts.

Yes, this.

People were sure that these were UFO's back in the day:

Granted, there would be a huge technology gap between what is required to manufacture a Nighthawk and what would be required to construct a Flying Delta (gravity-nullification, for one), but I think that this being human-made is the most likely explanation.

If they were aliens, we would be either eaten, mind controlled, or "harvested" in some way by now.


Maybe they're Cow like aliens who want nothing to do with us... except to harvest cow organs (hence cow mutliations!) Cows can't survive the trip in their spaceships so that's why they have to keep coming here instead of taking them with (Edit) them!*

That history channel thing was pretty interesting though. Either way, I assume aliens exist out their in the world. It only makes sense... but I mean... if they do... why would they bother coming here?

* for some reason i typed us instead of them their. No I am not an alien.

To my knoweldge anyway.

Seriously... go here
and do a search for "moo" (I can't embed the video nor get a direct link) It should be the second result from the seach.

Your not crazy ... your just living in a strange world o_0

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

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wow, apparently these triangles are fairly common. It even has an extensive wikipedia entry (not that that in itself counts for anything), it has quite a few reports of mass sightings and other incidents, I'm all goosebumpy.

As for those saying it's of human origin, I think that's entirely possible that they are man made and that freaks me out almost as much as the possibility of it being of alien origin. I mean what kind of crazy ass technology would some government be hiding in order to make these things? Exactly where did they get or come up with that technology since it seemingly defies known laws of physics. That would be some crazy conspiracy right there, and would signify that there really are wierd things going on behind the scenes that we don't know about, more so than just new missile prototypes, or hydrogen engines, but physics defying super technology that some one would be in possession of.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

oh yeah, as for the comment about why aren't their more pictures. It's a statistical anomaly. The number of people that ACTUALLY see these things are incredibly small. The likelyhood of one getting a perfect shot of it happening is astronomically small. Bank robberies by contrast happen on a daily basis in the US alone, but somebody (other than a bank's security camera) catching it on film as it happens is incredibly small, even with all the tiny little camera's we have. Getting a perfect proffesional picture or video an incredibly rare event, that is completely 100% unpredictable is highly unlikely. then there is also the fact that 90% of it is made up/drug trip/weather balloon.

The fact that the belgium triangle picture is so clear though really makes a statement. That's not a fuzzy half picture, it's perfectly clear. A triangle with a light on each corner and one in the middle, that has been reportedly seen a number of times around the world in mass sightings.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

The_vagabond7 said:
wow, apparently these triangles are fairly common. It even has an extensive wikipedia entry (not that that in itself counts for anything), it has quite a few reports of mass sightings and other incidents, I'm all goosebumpy.

As for those saying it's of human origin, I think that's entirely possible that they are man made and that freaks me out almost as much as the possibility of it being of alien origin. I mean what kind of crazy ass technology would some government be hiding in order to make these things? Exactly where did they get or come up with that technology since it seemingly defies known laws of physics. That would be some crazy conspiracy right there, and would signify that there really are wierd things going on behind the scenes that we don't know about, more so than just new missile prototypes, or hydrogen engines, but physics defying super technology that some one would be in possession of.
Well, someone would have to unify the theories behind gravity and electromagnetism, and build a gravity/mass-nullifying device.  As for conspiracy/coverup stuff - with the amount of deceitfulness and secrecy that governments have proven themselves capable of, I wouldn't be surprised.


Hehe my grandparents thought when it was on the news that time that it were the russians =p.

The_vagabond7 said:
Well, I couldn't get the video to embed, but for those interested I at least found a photo taken that is shown in the video (for those too lazy to click on the link)


Crazy ass stuff, whatever it is.

This IS some crazy stuff.

Apparantly many, many people have seen these things.

They are allegedly a super secret aircraft, designated as TR-3B, or Astra, and is part of the Aurora project. They supposedly cost $3 billion each.  If you are to believe the whole story some people tell though, you would have to accept that the technology for the 3 engines on the tips was reverse engineered from alien technology, which sounds like a bunch of sci-fi nonsense to me.

I don't know what to think of this, but it really would not surprise me if they were testing stuff like this up in Nevada. Another thing is, why in the hell would world governments hold back gravity disruption technology??