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Oh, by the way. For what it's worth on the "Crazy" side.

I've had many "half-dreams" where things have occured that I thought were real. Things floating in mid air. Animals breaking into the house that i thought were real so i was chasing them but they weren't until ic ame too. People watching or standing over me, people attacking etc.

One time it was that a demon was ripping his hands through the ground trying to grab me. I ran and ran. Grabbed a baseball bat, and darted outside on the concrete "where he wouldn't be able to break through... then stood next to the door ready to hit the thing as it came though.

I came to my senses like a second after my mom came through the door.

Was likely a few seconds away from accidently hitting her.

Happened with a knife once too. I didn't almost stab anybody but i did come to with a sheathed knife in my hand.  Kinda like night terrors but i can remember them all too well.

Short lesson was for me to not sleep with weapons anywhere near my bed.