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Forums - General Discussion - The Official UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

Konnichiwa's useless knowledge => It is 25 years ago that Italy lost a game with 3-0 and that was against Sweden.

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YEA ! beat them spaghetti eating Italians!

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


RolStoppable said:
Italy had a good phase in the middle of the second half, but overall the Dutch victory was well deserved. Italy received more goals in the first match of Euro 08 than in the entire World Cup 06.

LOL, no kidding. Understatement of the year.

Yes! Go Holland!

Neos said:
YEA ! slaughtered them arrogant Italians!

 Ugh and they let you do that?

I had to sleep a night at the police office for saying not so nice words against Turkish fans :(;

konnichiwaa said:
Neos said:
YEA ! slaughtered them arrogant Italians!

Ugh and they let you do that?

I had to sleep a night at the police office for saying not so nice words against Turkish fans :(;

 hmm okay maybe a bit too much xD, ill rephrase it

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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off topic : whoa didn't recognize rolstoppable without his kim avatar .....

Viva la Holland!

Wilhelmus van Nahasauhe ben ik van Duitschen bloed!!!!

Yeah! Still can't believe it! We beat the World Champion wit 3-0!!! Biggest defeat the Italians ever saw in a EC!

Oh and for the nonbelievers, it was NOT offside. A player can not detract himself from the game, so the Italian player that was outside the lines was participating in the game.

Oh and Rol: great avatar!!! Everyone join the Orange! Change you avatars!

I will change it but I've got some difficulty finding an unused avatar.

Hahahaha, nice match Oranje!!!