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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony paying for exclusives

Munkeh111 said:
I like exclusives, because most of the time they are better developed and look nicer etc, because they were only designed for the PS3

There have been good and bad PS3 exclusives. I don't think there are many stellar examples of the exlusive principle. I think that if you have a game that is developed for multiple consoles and designed and has the potential to sell more, I think it's budget can be higher. The crappy PS3 ports were mainly in the first year, but that isn't surprising since Sony didn't give many developers enough time with the kits and it is a more difficult system to program for.

I think first party exclusives are fine, but for third party developers in a market where there are several different major players, I don't see the benefit for gamers. The only benefit is for the developer if the console manufacturer pulls up with the money truck.

I give that post a 9.2. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

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Profcrab said:
Munkeh111 said:
I like exclusives, because most of the time they are better developed and look nicer etc, because they were only designed for the PS3

There have been good and bad PS3 exclusives. I don't think there are many stellar examples of the exlusive principle. I think that if you have a game that is developed for multiple consoles and designed and has the potential to sell more, I think it's budget can be higher. The crappy PS3 ports were mainly in the first year, but that isn't surprising since Sony didn't give many developers enough time with the kits and it is a more difficult system to program for.

I think first party exclusives are fine, but for third party developers in a market where there are several different major players, I don't see the benefit for gamers. The only benefit is for the developer if the console manufacturer pulls up with the money truck.

I give that post a 9.2. 

 Well if we can see the exclusives (uncharted, heavenly sword) really show the potential of the PS3 over the 360, I would like developers to try and push those boundaries and also, things like taking advantage of the BD, even just including a few extra maps on the disk would help the PS3

In reality, Sony should be spending all their money on FF XIII and getting that out of SE as soon as possible, with as much marketing as possible, and they also need to spend tons marketing LBP

they should do that,it will help them out

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

colonelstubbs said:
Sony need to stop trying to buy EVERY SINGLE EXCLUSIVE

Lair, Haze, Killzone...

They should focus on the proven winners, the MGS, FF and GTs of the world

Killzone is from an in house studio.  Sony really needs to start paying to get some RPG's and other Japanese centric games.

Munkeh111 said:
Profcrab said:
Munkeh111 said:
I like exclusives, because most of the time they are better developed and look nicer etc, because they were only designed for the PS3

There have been good and bad PS3 exclusives. I don't think there are many stellar examples of the exlusive principle. I think that if you have a game that is developed for multiple consoles and designed and has the potential to sell more, I think it's budget can be higher. The crappy PS3 ports were mainly in the first year, but that isn't surprising since Sony didn't give many developers enough time with the kits and it is a more difficult system to program for.

I think first party exclusives are fine, but for third party developers in a market where there are several different major players, I don't see the benefit for gamers. The only benefit is for the developer if the console manufacturer pulls up with the money truck.

I give that post a 9.2.

Well if we can see the exclusives (uncharted, heavenly sword) really show the potential of the PS3 over the 360, I would like developers to try and push those boundaries and also, things like taking advantage of the BD, even just including a few extra maps on the disk would help the PS3

In reality, Sony should be spending all their money on FF XIII and getting that out of SE as soon as possible, with as much marketing as possible, and they also need to spend tons marketing LBP

 As a gamer, I have no interest in helping the PS3.  I only have an interest in having access to the games I want to play where I want on the console I prefer to play them.  Some games I prefer to play on the 360.  I can see why Sony might want to force me to buy a game for my PS3, but I prefer the choice.  You are right about what Sony should do with FF, that game needs to come out for them.  More important than that is GT5.  That is going to be the true blockbuster for them and it's taking too long.

I give that post a 9.6. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

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Yakuzaice said:
colonelstubbs said:
Sony need to stop trying to buy EVERY SINGLE EXCLUSIVE

Lair, Haze, Killzone...

They should focus on the proven winners, the MGS, FF and GTs of the world

Killzone is from an in house studio.  Sony really needs to start paying to get some RPG's and other Japanese centric games.

I agree, buy RPGs. Also, isn't there already a deal for GTA V?

Hmm I dont think Sony given their historically poor financial state want to start a urinating contest with Americas Microsoft even if the dollar is weak. The Yen is afterall hardly a powerhouse in the world at the moment.

If MS and SONY go head to head financially and open up their veins for a bleeding contest I can only see one winner and with respect it wont be SONY

ssj12 said:
superchunk said:
nope. exclusives kinda suck.

Plus, they would have to be paying a lot to keep it only on the PS3 given that the cost for producing a big HD game is high and they would be cutting off large market of PC/360.

Whereas with 360 when they buy exclusives they also allow PC.

I think every big game should be produced to the best of its ability on every machine.

if they pay for the exclusive it means they pay for development costs. PC doesnt count for the console market so it doesnt matter if say Resistance was released on PC. It would be Insomniac's choice to release it. The release wouldn't effect the console market.

 I have to disagree with you on this point.  The most common argument I hear from PS3 owners about why they wouldn't ever buy a 360 is because the majority of the good games get released on PC.  Surely that has sapped some 360 sales.  If Insomniac and other PS3 developers started doing the same thing then there would be fewer reasons to buy a PS3.

PC numbers may not be counted and compared the same way the console market is, but their releases and sales definitely have an effect. 

windbane said:
Yakuzaice said:
colonelstubbs said:
Sony need to stop trying to buy EVERY SINGLE EXCLUSIVE

Lair, Haze, Killzone...

They should focus on the proven winners, the MGS, FF and GTs of the world

Killzone is from an in house studio.  Sony really needs to start paying to get some RPG's and other Japanese centric games.

I agree, buy RPGs. Also, isn't there already a deal for GTA V?

 Sony owns a decent chunk of Square Enix.This is why FFXIII and FFvXIII are exclusive.

For GTAV Rockstar was the ones who said that only Blu-ray will fit it.

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So in otherwords their "quasi" buying of exclusive offers by cutting deals on publishing, advertising and revenue isn't enough anymore and some developers are demanding real upfront money.

Wonder what game they're in negotiation to buy.