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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who's buying MGS4?

Im getting it day 2!

I like technology when its moving forward..

PSN: methys

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This is the only game I'm looking forward to right now.

I'm getting MGS4.

SSBB: 1977-0005-2980 (JOEY) MKWii: 4382-2877-5902 (Joeykanga)
Wii:4027-0084-9432-1532             PM me if you add me.
Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"

I am buying it.

LOL I ain't even going to answer .

Around the Network

I'm geting it too. Walk in the store, buy, walk out the store, wait all day before playing it...

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.

I'll get it when I come back from holidays in June. This is the one PS3 game I am really excited about.

Okay i think there are about 2 people so far who aren't getting it

My brother buying limited edition PS3 Gunmetal + mgs4. :)

End of 2k9

PS3 - 28,000,000

XO - 34,000,000


Limited Edition, midnight opening.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce