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Forums - Sony Discussion - Konami Asked MGS4 Reviewers Not To Mention Cut Scene Length & Installs

Holy complains with yours guys,we have to make a controversy with all kind of facts around MGS4?

I will bu the game even if God himself go down from the sky and tell me that I don't do it.

LOL ^_^

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Shameless said:

While reporting MTV Multiplayer’s week-long series about game reviews I’ve heard from members of the gaming press about restrictions publishers place on game reviews. I’m familiar with some of these. It’s common for a publisher to specify plot details that they don’t want revealed in reviews.

What I heard about print reviews for “Metal Gear Solid 4” was different.

I’ve been told by two gaming media sources who asked to remain anonymous that Konami representatives had been asking print reviewers to keep some technical details out of their reviews, namely the length of the game’s cut-scenes and the size of the game’s installation on the PlayStation 3.

Such details wouldn’t have been plot spoilers, but perhaps the publisher was concerned that they would be viewed as negatives?

Konami representatives declined to comment to me about any of this, as did editors of a few major video game magazines.

A couple of weeks ago, gaming blog Kotaku posted back-to-back links about the two supposedly off-limits topics. The size of the game’s installation was spotted on the “MGS4″ box. The other was a disputed report about the length of the cut-scenes.

So that technical information — accurate or not, I don’t know — is getting out there. And that information about the game has been acknowledged by Eurogamer, which ran an “MGS4″ review that mentions both things.

Whether Konami really has put these limits on reviewers and if such limits are tolerable to game reviewers is something I can’t answer. It’s something worth keeping an eye on as print reviews of “MGS4″ start trickling out.


And you all argue over review scores as though they mean anything. Ridiculous. Sounds like we should believe Eurogamer over the other sites so far.

 For God's sake,you ask us to believe in Eurogamer reviews?

Are you alien or something?

Anyway,they're the most inconsistent source about reviews,better tell me that I have to believe at the folks of Gamespot,LAME with both sites.

OT7 said:
Holy complains with yours guys,we have to make a controversy with all kind of facts around MGS4?

I will bu the game even if God himself go down from the sky and tell me that I don't do it.

LOL ^_^
This isn't a conspiracy against MGS4. I think most people in this topic are highly anticipating this game. What Konami is doing to reviewers sounds a bit suspect, because reviewers are not ever this vocal about a publisher shutting them up pre-release. Try to separate the game from the publisher and you'll understand who the "conspiracy" is against.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

darthdevidem01 said:
Oh god


 At MGS4?  Or at Konami for being dicks, or at reveiwers for (mostly) letting companys get away with this BS because they're afraid they'll lose their job.


Yep, Konami are a bunch of sneaky fuckers.

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Onyxmeth said:
windbane said:
Well, EGM, which I just read, definitely didn't review the game because of Konami's limitations. They instead have a 4-page "discussion" in their review section that seems to indicate the review score will be good anyway.

Stupid limitations on reviews from Konami, but EGM didn't give in and will wait until next issue to give a score.

Doesn't matter, though...the game is awesome =)
I've got to give it up to EGM for sticking with their journalistic integrity instead of conforming to Konami's demands. Konami should have enough faith in this game to not have to limit early reviewers because I'm sure it's absolutely incredible.


Yeah, I love EGM. Standing up to Ubisoft cost them previews and early reviews, but their integrity is appreciated. Konami was wrong to ask them to hide installs (a great feature) and lengthy cutscenes. MGS has always had great cutscenes.

rocketpig said:
Musouka said:
tombi123 said:
Sorry, are we just supposed to believe this guy? Where is the proof that Konami said this?

This one is about the cutscenes, from the IGN UK review:

Konami doesn't want us to talk about is the 'total length of cut-scenes'. Hopefully it won't be bending the rules to far to reveal that they represent about half of the content of the game. That, for some people, will be too much to bear. But in many ways it's a vindication of Kojima's unique interpretation of the videogame medium.

Additionally, PTOM mentined an interesting fact about the game installation:

I <3 journalists that confuse "to" and "too". Credibility and proof-reading rocks, yo.

Don't forget the awkwardly placed "is" in the first sentence.

Edit: Nevermind, it seems a part of the sentence in that quote has been cut off.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

... I think Konima's requests are ok. They basically said any reviews before June 12th arn't allowed to include details on:

- total length of cutscences ... ( not a big deal anyway)
- technical Install details ... ( not a big deal anyway)
- Characters X or chartars Y appearing ( whom Konima may or may not annouced)
- Plot twist X which is unknown ...
- Boss battle X details ...

Imagine how people would of felt if months before Halo 2 came out reviewers were talking about playing as Arbiter ... etc ..
Besides games shouldn't be reviewed so early and atleast Konima hasn't threatened to black book any company which publishes a review of 90 -or-less before the release date... imo anyway later reviews are much more credible since they can ignore the games hype...

Aprisaiden said:
... I think Konima's requests are ok. They basically said any reviews before June 12th arn't allowed to include details on:

- total length of cutscences ... ( not a big deal anyway)
- technical Install details ... ( not a big deal anyway)
- Characters X or chartars Y appearing ( whom Konima may or may not annouced)
- Plot twist X which is unknown ...
- Boss battle X details ...

Imagine how people would of felt if months before Halo 2 came out reviewers were talking about playing as Arbiter ... etc ..
Besides games shouldn't be reviewed so early and atleast Konima hasn't threatened to black book any company which publishes a review of 90 -or-less before the release date... imo anyway later reviews are much more credible since they can ignore the games hype...

Spoilers should absolutely not be included, I agree, but those first 2 issues, and the fact they aren't important, mean Konami should not have limited reviewers. People have a right to know if cutscenes are extremely long. I love them in MGS, which means I will absolutely not skip them, but if they are very long I need to know I need a block of time to play. Install requirements each chapter is annoying, so hopefully it isn't long. I'd prefer a longer install just once.

Nothing wrong with cutscenes. Nothing wrong with install times, if it helps speed up loading.