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Forums - Sales Discussion - Gears of War 2 will bomb

I hate FPS on consoles, and I'm buying Gears of War 2. I think that says a bit.

Well, okay, GeoW is third-person shooter, but still. There's no way Gears of War 2 will bomb, it looks awesome.

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I expect GeOW2 to sell the same as GeOW. Who will buy 2 with out the first one? Most certainly less then the number of people that will have owned hte first one and not buy the second. (Like me, still havnt finished that over hyped pile)

And the people saying its the best looking game of this generation are on crack, its in the top 5, but its certainly not the best looking anymore.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"

Considering it debuted Fall 2006, I would sincerely hope not.

It certainly raised the bar though.

Visually, it could have been cleaner looking, but that's mainly due to the "wet muddy" look of Unreal 3 engine games. UT3 is the exact same way.

I'm not expecting groundbreaking visual improvements over the original, but if all they focus on is a longer, more involved campaign, improved play mechanics and overall gameplay, it will be better than the original.

The title of this thread should read, "how I wish Gears of War 2 will bomb".

so that PS3 is not the only console that hypes games that suck.

killzone 2 will more often then not get average scores just like the first one.

It looks like nothing special at all.

Based on what's revealed of gears of war 2, everything sound's alot better and look's like their really fixing what people griped about with the game.

Don't be very surprised if Gears of War 2 gets the most game of the year awards and sells more copies then everything except GTA4.

Rating's for gears 2 will no doubt be in the 90's. You can garantee it will be among the most reccomended and your a fool if you think otherwise.

For the one about Ninja Gaiden 2 getting lows 70's. Quit hating dude it won't go below the 80's. Plus most of these early reviews have problems that the retail copy won't.

So their's no telling, BTW Metal Gear Solid 4 and GTA4 are more of the same damn game then gears 2 will be.

Nothing wrong with that either, Sequels aren't always expected to drastically change the formula. Look at the one's being skeptical on banjo kazooie look not being a typical platformer.

Damn if you do and damn if you don't .

I don't know why i bothered replying. Sounds like an insecure fanboy that is mad that it aint coming to his preferred system.

FLAME-BAIT, definately since the fool hasn't even played the game.

Every game has the potential to bomb or be a classic.

Some games though you can just tell their going to be a hit.

It makes much more sense to be hyped for MGS4 and gears 2 then fucking killzone 2 and resistance 2.

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I'm willing to bet MGS4 will be quite a bit more than just the same game.

Given the development time for GoW2 I really don't see how the game can be expected to deliver the same level of impact as the original which IMO, was the first real killer app/system seller for the 360.

GoW2 should be a great experience, but given the length of time gone into developing MGS4, I'm expecting a more fulfilling experience from it.

Of course, I didn't finish MGS3 and I did finish GoW, but it was a short game and MGS3 was pretty long.

I'm reserving any opinion on KZ2 until I see a working demo on the PSN. As long as it makes none of the mistakes from the original, that's a good start. No denying the visuals are great, so I'm only concerned about design and game play.

I'm hyped for R2 simply because I enjoyed the original so much. I'll play through it for the story alone, but beyond the updated visuals and the ridiculous online options (which alone should be enough to cement this franchise), I'm not sure how much innovation Insomniac will be able to throw into the mix. The development time is roughly the same as it was for GoW2, so it will be interesting to see what each developer can do on a relatively short time table.

^^For the record: Gears of War 2 is a TPS game. MGS 4 is a stealth based shooter game. GTA IV is an action shooter game. All three are different games.

Rock_on_2008 said:

He must mean the review averages of Gears of War 2 will bomb in comparison to Gears of War. Gears of War 2 average review scores will be around low 70's.

Sales of 3 million for Gears of War 2 would be a huge letdown considering original Gears of War sold 5 million. Wait Gears of War 2 is an upgrade of a generic shooter game with slightly better graphics and more levels and a few new enemies.

BTW: I wonder how starcraft and the others would respond?

 Killzone 2 reviews will be around 5 at is best....

I feel depressed about this thread....

Hahaha! Funny post. Even if the game is 8.5 on Gamespot, it will sell more then 3 000 000. Army of Two is 6.5 on Gamespot and manage to sell so far 1 150 000.
Enough stupid threads!!!