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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Favorite game you don't own


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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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Also God of War for the PSP.

Residen Evil ps1 or super smash bros. n64

Bomberman 64.

Okami, Super Mario RPG, Sonic Jam, NiGHTS into dreams, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

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I have many

Super Mario RPG - Missed it when I owned a SNES
Kingdom Hears series - never owned a PS2
Pokemon gold/ silver - I don't remember why...
Majora's Mask - Need it on VC nao!!!!!
others are
Conker's bad fur day and Okami.

Goldeneye (N64)

never played it, but i've heard the hype. I wish i could've played it.

Mario Kart Wii. I have played it with friends and I love it but am currently to poor to buy any games... Stupid rent...and food. I guess I could be homeless and hungry but own Mario Kart.

Pokemon Yellow, I never owned a Game Boy.

Shenmue 3....................... i know its never coming