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Forums - Sales Discussion - where will Wii first reach 50% market share? US or WW...?

6.12M Japan
11.70M America WII
8.88M Others 26.69M 45.6%
0.61M Japan
11.53M America X360
6.70M Others 18.84M 32.2%
2.11M Japan
4.91M America PS3
5.97M Others 12.99M 22.2%

these are the numbers as of today.
For America the total number of consoles are 28.14 million and the percentages are 41.57% for wii 40.97% for x360 and 17.45% for ps3. Wii needs to sell 4.74 million more than both x360 and ps3 combined to take 50% in America.
Worldwide, the total number of consoles is 58.52 million and the percentages are 45.6% for wii, 32.2% for x360 and 22.2% for Ps3. Wii needs to sell 5.14 million more than both x360 and PS3 combined to take 50% worldwide.
Those are very similar numbers. Lately Nintendo has been selling around 380 thousand consoles on average in a week worldwide (some weeks as high as 600 others week its around 325) I pulled that number out of my ass, /i didnt do an average per se, But if someone feels like doing the numbers feel free to do so. An average week for 360 is around 120k consoles and for PS3 is around 160k, so around 280 thousand consoles combined. its a 100k difference which would give us aproximately a year for that to happen, but since sales tend tomaximize around the holiday period, I guess we could say if it happens, it would be around christmas.

In america, PS3 and x360 are selling very similar accounting for 100k weekly combined in an average, while Wii can do 400k one week, and 125 the other, working a similar average like the one I did for worldwide I would say 180k a week. Thus giving us an advantage of 80k Weeklyand taking more time to get to 50% than worldwide... Thing is Wii is really supply contrained in the US and that whatever they get on the shelves will probably get bought, so if the y manage to increase production, it would be really close in both US and WW.


What do you think?

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I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

The Wii is doing way better each week in the USA than the 360/PS3, so I think USA.

When they will get 50+%, I don't know
What do you think?

MK7!! 3DS friend code: 0688 - 5579 - 0994

Also playing DotA2 beta!

Worldwide would be the obvious guess...
USA was the last territory where the Wii outsold X360.

My former account was HeSSeH, but I lost it. 

Due to Japan's massive lead and a very large user base of 360's in the US, I would bet on WW 50% being first.

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HeSSeHP said:
Worldwide would be the obvious guess...
USA was the last territory where the Wii outsold X360

It was the last territory, but only because 360 had a massive lead of over 50% not so long ago.

 It is also the territory where its being gaining the most share recently.

Remember that for a 50% market share wii needs to outsell both competitors combined and Wii is barely doing that in japan + europe, I know worldwide numbers are benefitted from US numbers too...

the difference from us 50% to ww  50% is  400k consoles (4.74 vs 5.14 millions)Wii EU+JP was 2k above PS360 EU+JP,

 it would take 200 weeks for that to happen, the difference gained in the us is key to ww numbers...


I think it will really be close, AD America numbers might just be able to pull it off because of increased production.

America first then the world fall in the Wii power.

i think it will happen in america first

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

WW first. In the time that the wii would have to gain 4.74 in America, it would also gain that much WW (as NA is part of WW), and so the gross for the rest of world wide gain would only be 0.400.

I think Japan + Others can gain over 0.4 mil in the time that it takes NA to gain 4.74mil. (Sometimes wii looses in others compared to 360+PS3, so... can't say anything is for certain...)