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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is "The Conduit" A must buy for you?

disolitude said:
HappySqurriel said:
disolitude said:
HappySqurriel said:



For novice players maybe...its easier to point than use thumbs when you start playing FPS games at first.

Nevertheless, all I was saying is that control mechanism doesn't make COD, Orange box and Halo 3 dissapointing as games...just harder to control if you're used to wiimote. I personally would take xbox pad over wiimote for halo anyday as its tried and tested to be awesome.

I've played FPS games since they were invented on the PC and the best standard-controler set up for any console game is still amazingly clumsy; most FPS games make up for this by keeping as much of the action on a single plane, giving you very generous auto aim, and keeping action at a slow pace (to allow you to aim). From what I have seen, even very poor controlls on Wii first person shooters (like Red Steel) are far better than the best controlls that have ever been produced for a standard-controller.

Simply play a game like Metroid Prime 3 and once you've played through the robot city in the sky (which name escapes me at the moment) you will realize that you simply couldn't navigate the zip-lines if you were using a controller because you couldn't aim in time.

Well each game gets designed with console strenghts in mind. Wii mote is a strength for the wii so obviously level design will have great use of it...

I'm not arguing one game is better than another...just that you can't say a game is dissapointing because you don't like the cntrol scheme. Especially not games like Halo 3

I could say Metroid Prime 3 is dissapointing because it lacks the online aspect...but thats not what the games strenght is.

I wasn't great with controllers at first and FPS...actually thanks to metroid prime 1 I sucked in halo big time because I was used to holding down a button while aiming instead of using the second D-pad. But I practised and I am more than confortable with the D-pads now... Confortable enough to be able to enjoy a game for what it is, and not complain its dissapointing because I can't point and shoot.

You use analog sticks to move and aim! D-pads aren't used for those in FPS! 

*cue annoying nerdy laughter* 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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disolitude said:

I'm not arguing one game is better than another...just that you can't say a game is dissapointing because you don't like the cntrol scheme. Especially not games like Halo 3

 That, I think, is wrong. If you actually think about that statement for a while, I think you might be able to figure out why I think it's wrong.

If I cannot shoot the enemies in a game, because of the control scheme, is it still a good game? If I miss out on important clues because I keep looking into the wall and not to where I'm supposed to be looking, is it still a good game?

Would you accept a... let's say flying action game (Lair) that made it impossible for you to navigate narrow passages with any ease, or make it impossible to engage in combat, because of a flawed control scheme.

Yes, you can learn. But should you HAVE to? Isn't the "you're just not l33t enough" argument insanely invalid?

This is invisible text!

It's nice to have an FPS on the Wii and everything, but the PC has so many far better ones, that I can't see myself getting this one for full price or anything. I like the Wii because it emphasizes the strengths of a console vs the PC, and FPS is one of the things consoles do the worst.

I will this game day 1 only for the effort of the developers