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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Ninty lose the war if Sony & M$ develop similar or better controller?

macross said:
disolitude said:
macross said:
disolitude said:
Nothing is wrong with ps360 controllers, they work better in day to day gaming than the wiimote so they don't need to develop a "better controller" to improve gamplay. As a casual games controller it may work and slow down nintendo's runaway success...but probably not unless they could make their whole back catalog playable with it
Actually, they need it. This is why Sony added Sixaxis to their controller. They can't just end up as more powerful console in next generation console cycle(e.g. PS4, Xbox 720). The fact is the PS360 controllers work more of the same without getting any better or worse. In fact that Wiimote like controller are working better than before while the technology improve. Wiimote like control seems to be a natural control. It is like the multi-touch screen flat panel we saw in Tom Cruise's Minority Report while the techonology evolved.


They may need it to hook younger players in next gen right away or to steal marketshare from nintendo, or maybe for some newly developed titles that will use wii mote like controllers.

But the games most people play on ps360 don't need a wiimote. You should know fully well that Halo 3 + wii-mote like controlls = Halo 3. It doesn't matter what controller you use, it still the same game.

Sure it may have a section where master chief goes fishing as a mini game...but its still the same core game. Some people may be entertained with the new control scheme...and re-beat Halo 3 using it. But by the time they start playing Bioshock...the new controller scheme novely will be gone and it will be back to the normal pad.

I think you are misleading. You just don't want to admit the technology need to be evolved? Ok, I am going to ask you?

Atari Joystick controller or Xbox 360 controller for Halo 3?

Next one, Xbox 360 controller or Mouse and Keyboard for Halo 3?

It can be Halo 1,2,3, it doesn't matter.

It will become a natural control as keyboard and mouse, maybe it needs some buttons redesigned or something. Or it can just evolved to real life simulation, like you really carry a real gun or even Minority's like controller design.


360 controller is more than adiquate for Halo 3...but mouse and keyboard would be better. Wii mote however would not... Thats what we are comparing right? You are right in saying that it is the next step in the evolution for gaming...its just not there yet. 

I'm guessing microsoft or sony will take the best ideas of the wii mote and develop it in to something else by next gen.

However there is no need to copy wii mote this gen in hopes to catch simply doesn't work as well as it should...not yet anyways.

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Source:, Portion of Malstrom's Shield article


-(Growth Driven) Co-option of the Disruption

After the disruptor proves the New Market does exist and is viable, incumbents attempt to mimic the disruptor in order to gain access to the New Market. This co-option is a counterattack that will stop the disruptor (for the disruptor loses the new market base to move to upper tiers). Unless the disruptor has no shield (asymmetries of motivation), or if the motivations of the disruptor and incumbent are the same, co-option will successfully prevail. An example of co-option would be incumbent telephone companies responding to wireless technology to sell it to new users. The incumbent missed much of the new growth but is eventually able to tap into the New Market. Since wireless had the same motivation as the incumbents, the disruptors had no shield and were absorbed.

In order to withstand counter attack, sufficient asymmetries of motivation must be developed for the disruptor (what Christensen refers to as the ‘shield’). For example, Microsoft can imitate the Wii with a Wii remote knockoff but the motivation for creating it is very different from Nintendo’s. Microsoft will not have the passion to go after non-users and low demanding consumers in the way Nintendo did. If the reader happens to be a professional analyst and needs translation, this means what matters now is no longer the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.


I decided to just paste one of Malstrom's argument as a suggestion, seeing as how I agree with this opinion. In this portion of the article, Malstrom gives three outcomes as to what the incumbents' console strategy (used by Sony and Microsoft) is and how the incumbents will react when the disrupter (Nintendo) uses a different strategy. I am showing this segment due to the fact that it relates to the topic of what will happen if Sony and MS decided to imitate Ninty in the controller aspect. If MS tries to make a Wii remote knockoff, they will prolly lack the motivation necessary to go any farther. Sure, a game or two will support it, but they won't have the motivation Nintendo has to push this kind of innovation into the users hand. Microsoft just doesn't have the fight in them to go that far because they have already invested a lot of time forming their image. Also, another part of Malstrom's argument to back up the argument as to why Sony and MS can't imitate the Wii remote:

A reader says, “The incumbent can simply copy the innovation and stop the disruptor.”

Ahh, but reader, when the incumbent brings the innovation to its market, it never works the way the incumbent plans it.

”Of course, it is worse than this. Not only does an incumbent try to bring the innovation to its existing customers, it typically tries to bring it to its best existing customers. Ironically, these customers value the new attributes of the disruptive innovation the least.”

-Clayton Christensen, “Seeing What’s Next”. Page 50
This explains why die-hard Xbox fans are the most vocal against a Microsoft Wii-mote knock-off.

Not only will imitation piss of the audience they already have, but it will give credence to Nintendo for having the right strategy all along. 

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

Look up Gyration, Inc. people!!!!!






I'll save you the time---





For the record-----I HAD IT WITH the ravings of the so-called NINTENDO MIRACLE.  Its bizness folks, adaption.  All's fair in love and [console] wars.

halogamer1989 said:

Look up Gyration, Inc. people!!!!!






I'll save you the time---





For the record-----I HAD IT WITH the ravings of the so-called NINTENDO MIRACLE. Its bizness folks, adaption. All's fair in love and [console] wars.

Nintendo & Microsoft. Where is Sony? I wonder where was the Sixaxis came out from?


Poor PS3 Sales Means Smaller Losses

"Actually, because the number of units sold was not as high as we hoped, the loss was better than our original expectation," Quotes from Sony’s CFO Nobuyuki Oneda.

It doesn't matter if they copy the controller. The controller has only been a part of Nintendo's plan.

The real answer has been the software. Nintendo has aimed more accessible software at a wider demographic than their competetion. A new controller will not change the fact that Sony and Microsoft have aimed their products at a high-end user, with high-end complicated software. They have ignored the mainstream user in favor of the fringe market, and there is no turning back now. It is too late.

Simply put, Sony and Microsoft don't have the games that the mainstream market wants, so the controller will not change a thing.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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no it wont really effect ninty,because ms and sony barely have any experience with motion sensing,and they wont have many games for it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

disolitude said:
macross said:
disolitude said:
macross said:
disolitude said:
Nothing is wrong with ps360 controllers, they work better in day to day gaming than the wiimote so they don't need to develop a "better controller" to improve gamplay. As a casual games controller it may work and slow down nintendo's runaway success...but probably not unless they could make their whole back catalog playable with it
Actually, they need it. This is why Sony added Sixaxis to their controller. They can't just end up as more powerful console in next generation console cycle(e.g. PS4, Xbox 720). The fact is the PS360 controllers work more of the same without getting any better or worse. In fact that Wiimote like controller are working better than before while the technology improve. Wiimote like control seems to be a natural control. It is like the multi-touch screen flat panel we saw in Tom Cruise's Minority Report while the techonology evolved.


They may need it to hook younger players in next gen right away or to steal marketshare from nintendo, or maybe for some newly developed titles that will use wii mote like controllers.

But the games most people play on ps360 don't need a wiimote. You should know fully well that Halo 3 + wii-mote like controlls = Halo 3. It doesn't matter what controller you use, it still the same game.

Sure it may have a section where master chief goes fishing as a mini game...but its still the same core game. Some people may be entertained with the new control scheme...and re-beat Halo 3 using it. But by the time they start playing Bioshock...the new controller scheme novely will be gone and it will be back to the normal pad.

I think you are misleading. You just don't want to admit the technology need to be evolved? Ok, I am going to ask you?

Atari Joystick controller or Xbox 360 controller for Halo 3?

Next one, Xbox 360 controller or Mouse and Keyboard for Halo 3?

It can be Halo 1,2,3, it doesn't matter.

It will become a natural control as keyboard and mouse, maybe it needs some buttons redesigned or something. Or it can just evolved to real life simulation, like you really carry a real gun or even Minority's like controller design.


360 controller is more than adiquate for Halo 3...but mouse and keyboard would be better. Wii mote however would not... Thats what we are comparing right? You are right in saying that it is the next step in the evolution for gaming...its just not there yet. 

I'm guessing microsoft or sony will take the best ideas of the wii mote and develop it in to something else by next gen.

However there is no need to copy wii mote this gen in hopes to catch simply doesn't work as well as it should...not yet anyways.

Wii mote is far more accurate than dual analog, and it also allows for quicker movements. Not only that, but it allows for movements on axis which pc& mouse doesn't have, but losing some accuracy, which an upgraded wiimote could get. So yes the wii  mote is an upgrade to dual analog, and has the potential to be an upgrade to keyboard&mouse.


^yeah i really like wii mote and nun chuck better then kb&m but it would be good for them to upgrade it even more next gen,though it still rocks

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Of course the Wii is better in terms of control, since developers have both choices when they make a game: Motion controls or Standard controls.

Or even both on the same game. So Nintendo doesnt need to worry about people like Disolitude, who think Nintendo is for kiddies with their new approach.

I call it being insecure and jealous to an extent. Then copying and still failing, that's what's going to happen to Microsoft or Sony if they even try. Bad move, cause not everyone will have the controller, therefore a reduced fanbase for developers, it will also bring down the image of the selfproclaimed "hardcore tough mature guys" by adding "kiddie" features to their consoles and on top of that, new games will be ready by 2010? Good luck MS or Sony on this one.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

I agree with Brute.

The Wii remote is my favorite controller by far.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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