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Forums - Sony Discussion - Bluray vs hddvd - HD-DVD Buyers Beware

sieanr said:
Blue3 said:
Universal: No new HD DVD titles for 2007

"Universal has confirmed they have no new major titles announcements for 2007."

Yeah, thats the exact same thing you posted....

 cry me a river, i posted the link didnt i.

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Gballzack said:
Both will lose.

Another way of saying pirates will win... 


your mother said:
Gballzack said:
Both will lose.

Another way of saying pirates will win...


 You take that back! Ninjas win everything!

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Blue3 said:
sieanr said:
Blue3 said:
Universal: No new HD DVD titles for 2007

"Universal has confirmed they have no new major titles announcements for 2007."

Yeah, thats the exact same thing you posted....

 cry me a river, i posted the link didnt i.

A link from January, yes 

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

Lol Blue3 is back

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in other news toshiba has just announced they are winning the -standalone- high def player race...spin spin...

ie they are Excluding the PS3 from their figures (which is ...PR SPEAK at it's finest)

lenardo said:
in other news toshiba has just announced they are winning the -standalone- high def player race...spin spin...

ie they are Excluding the PS3 from their figures (which is ...PR SPEAK at it's finest)

 Well it is hard to qualify the PS3, given that HD-DVD and blu-ray are useless without HDTVs, and the PS3 is about the only such product that doesn't need HDTVs.

Also, they didn't count the 360's HD-DVD drive either in those figures, or PC drives, for either format. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
lenardo said:
in other news toshiba has just announced they are winning the -standalone- high def player race...spin spin...

ie they are Excluding the PS3 from their figures (which is ...PR SPEAK at it's finest)

Well it is hard to qualify the PS3, given that HD-DVD and blu-ray are useless without HDTVs, and the PS3 is about the only such product that doesn't need HDTVs.

Also, they didn't count the 360's HD-DVD drive either in those figures, or PC drives, for either format.

 the included the PS3 for the attach rates though.

No no no. Toshiba/Microsoft are only staying in the race, even to this poor degree, because they are selling their HDVD players below production cost.

And, when Sony's new BD players come out...the $499 will push them to the top and convince Microsoft to end this, because microsoft has to be losing money on something that they have no possible chance of winning unless a nuclear bomb or asteroid hits sony headquarters.

I went dvd last time, i'm going Blu-ay this time.
more movie industry support (with all the exclusives that i care about: disney, fox, tristar/columbia, etc.)

more corperate industry support

its already consumer available, moreso than HD-DVD, for personal use like computers (dell, apple, any windows/linux PC.)

man, im set. only a fool would chose hd-dvd right now. (unless you absolutly have to have movies from universal) i'll buy that one remaining hd-dvd loyalists movies on dvd for now, until they come to their senses

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