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Forums - Sony Discussion - Bluray vs hddvd - HD-DVD Buyers Beware

Celb said:
Gballzack said:
Celb said:
Gballzack said:
It would be curious to see both formats fail or see HD-DVD win out in North America and Blu-Ray win out everywhere else.

How will that happen with Blu-ray outselling hddvd 2-1 ?

If neither reach adequate market saturation and lose momentum they could both easily end up like mini-disc. Just because one is doing better than the other doesn't mean it's garanteed success. And if the public catches wind of the even newer formats looming over the horizon less than ten years from now it will have a pretty deterimental affect on the eagerness of consumers to switch formats at this point in time.

As for North America, who knows, I hear HD-DVD players are outselling Blu-Ray players and I see an equal number of the two video libraries represented at any store I go to so its anyone's bet at this point.

1. Newer formats looming, they all are nearly meaningless.  Not a single one has any industry support to affect the eagerness of consumers right now, or even in 5 years.  Hollywood wont support some start up format just for the hell of it.   You might want to look at the list of Blu-ray supporters, once the format war is over it really is preatty much a guaranteed success.

2. Its not who knows, no one will Support Hd-dvd if its dead in most markets and can only get %30 of USA.  Fact is Blu-ray is outselling Hd-dvd just get over it.

1. The consumer doesn't know that, and that's all that matters. If there's the slightest suspision of another format change (whether true or not) within even a decade it will create disenfranchisement in the consumer base. Further more the lack of penetration by either HD Disc's market and the forced "ceiling" created by the limited penetration of HD TVs in the consumer market (less than 10%) makes them far more vulnerable than any format ever introduced in the past.

2. US market isn't solely dependent on the World market, in fact, when it comes to DVDs its one of the strongest markets. Either way its pretty presumptious to be making such bold claims at this uncertain juncture.

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Markus250 said:
I find it funny that Playstation fanboys can say that an early lead in the format war means it is utterly impossible for HD DVD to ever catch up to blueray but an early lead for the Wii and 360 in the console war means absolutely nothing.


Dolla Dolla said:
Markus250 said:
I find it funny that Playstation fanboys can say that an early lead in the format war means it is utterly impossible for HD DVD to ever catch up to blueray but an early lead for the Wii and 360 in the console war means absolutely nothing.


I second that notion.

naznatips said:
lol it's gone on for 3 pages, and I still could care less. No one has managed to get even close to convincing me to replace my ginormous DVD collection, despite the fact that I own a 42" plasma TV capable of 1080p. So, have fun bitching, I'll just keep watching my upscaled DVDs on my nice large TV. You know what else I'll do on that HDTV? Play my Wii and PS2... rofl I love these fanboy wars

BD movies are not twice as much, they may be a couple bucks more, but thats it.  Its people like you that bitch about how crappy there picture is compared to there old tube tv because they refuse to upgrade there souce as well as there display. It doesnt make much sense putting a ferrari Body on a pinto, you still get the same performance it just looks better on the outside. So you keep playing with your Wii and watching crappy looking movies on your overpriced TV while the rest of us who understand how this stuff works enjoy our HD sets to there full potential. I know I would be pissed too if I just layed down 2+ grand on a TV that looked worse than my 10 year old one.

Gballzack said:
Celb said:
Gballzack said:
Celb said:
Gballzack said:
It would be curious to see both formats fail or see HD-DVD win out in North America and Blu-Ray win out everywhere else.

How will that happen with Blu-ray outselling hddvd 2-1 ?

If neither reach adequate market saturation and lose momentum they could both easily end up like mini-disc. Just because one is doing better than the other doesn't mean it's garanteed success. And if the public catches wind of the even newer formats looming over the horizon less than ten years from now it will have a pretty deterimental affect on the eagerness of consumers to switch formats at this point in time.

As for North America, who knows, I hear HD-DVD players are outselling Blu-Ray players and I see an equal number of the two video libraries represented at any store I go to so its anyone's bet at this point.

1. Newer formats looming, they all are nearly meaningless.  Not a single one has any industry support to affect the eagerness of consumers right now, or even in 5 years.  Hollywood wont support some start up format just for the hell of it.   You might want to look at the list of Blu-ray supporters, once the format war is over it really is preatty much a guaranteed success.

2. Its not who knows, no one will Support Hd-dvd if its dead in most markets and can only get %30 of USA.  Fact is Blu-ray is outselling Hd-dvd just get over it.

1. The consumer doesn't know that, and that's all that matters. If there's the slightest suspision of another format change (whether true or not) within even a decade it will create disenfranchisement in the consumer base. Further more the lack of penetration by either HD Disc's market and the forced "ceiling" created by the limited penetration of HD TVs in the consumer market (less than 10%) makes them far more vulnerable than any format ever introduced in the past.

2. US market isn't solely dependent on the World market, in fact, when it comes to DVDs its one of the strongest markets. Either way its pretty presumptious to be making such bold claims at this uncertain juncture.

I'll try and find the article, but I read the other day that 1 in 4 people in the US have at least 1 HD capable TV. Which sounds about right to me as they sell by the thousands on a daily basis.

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Someone said Toshiba is coming out with laptops with HD-DVD drives. Sony has *had* laptops with BluRay drives.

Someone said that BluRay has the early lead in the HD format war. Wrong answer. That was HD-DVD. BluRay had a horrible launch, and failed miserably over HD-DVD. BluRay is just now starting to gain steam. HD-DVD is running on it's launch-steam still.

If the PS3 was not able to play BluRay... would you all be upset that it has a BluRay player in it? It would have no HD-video abilitys for playing them, and then the drive would be 100% for the games. Would that make you guys happy? 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Well launch games like Motorstorm, Resistance and Oblivion (the three games I bought) all use well beyond the storage capacity of DVDs. I don't have to read about what developers have to say, I can figure this one out myself.

Funny, that developer said Bluray hurt their game due to the slow disc speed. Either way, Oblivion was the exact same assets as 360/PC, and those didnt need Bluray.

I'm so sorry my post offended you soo much, but its not like your post contributed anything to the discussion. Especially when you responded to someones complaint of $400 HD players with a tirade on the PS3s upscaling ability and HD. Its just that I've been in plenty of forums where people of go on and on about the most inane things the PS3 can do, all the while acting like its the bees knees - which just comes off as desperate, very similar to a used car salesman. 

But again, sorry for the opinion. Next time I'll remember internet forums are no place for expressing ones viewpoint, especially when one person thinks its useless...

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

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