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Well launch games like Motorstorm, Resistance and Oblivion (the three games I bought) all use well beyond the storage capacity of DVDs. I don't have to read about what developers have to say, I can figure this one out myself.

Funny, that developer said Bluray hurt their game due to the slow disc speed. Either way, Oblivion was the exact same assets as 360/PC, and those didnt need Bluray.

I'm so sorry my post offended you soo much, but its not like your post contributed anything to the discussion. Especially when you responded to someones complaint of $400 HD players with a tirade on the PS3s upscaling ability and HD. Its just that I've been in plenty of forums where people of go on and on about the most inane things the PS3 can do, all the while acting like its the bees knees - which just comes off as desperate, very similar to a used car salesman. 

But again, sorry for the opinion. Next time I'll remember internet forums are no place for expressing ones viewpoint, especially when one person thinks its useless...

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away"