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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Motion controller & Mii Confirmed! M$ will Win the war eventually!

The Ghost of RubangB said:
It will be such a hilarious shitstorm of bad press for MicroSoft and good press for Nintendo, and the HD crowd won't know what to do and they'll self-destruct!

 Why ? I think they will be happy. Motion sensing + HD is still HD.

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Euphoria14 said:

What does it add that will easily set their games apart?

Copying their controls and Mii concept doesn't not make them equal in that regard and now superior based on online and graphics.

Smash Mario Kart works fine online and it's free. So Online in my opinion in a moot point when you consider the fact you need to pay for it.

$100 more + $50 for online to have nothing more than unecessary demos and graphics. I don't see the selling point.


 I fixed that for you.  The Wii is a decent enough console. There is no need to lie about things.


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I think its going to end up like the other preipherals they made like with the ace flight combat contrllolers, and the controlers for the scene it game.

A friend and I already talked about the scenario of this being released properlly, then he pointed out something very interesting.

Xbox Arcade sku doesn't have a HDD and the system memory it has may be too small.

We came to the conclusion that should Microsoft just crap on those guys, their going to be taking a hit to Mind Share, that would be if they made it the new standard interface. Which would mean it would be a peripheral and in which case it would be an option, but it would have to be something that gives an unfair advantage in game play (insert viral marketing here) as to convince players using the Xbox360's current controller that the Newton gave the best game play.

That is a possibility.

"... Xbox360 is suffering right now from one dilema, it's the same thing that kills a lot of mmorpgs, it focuses heavily on its community, Xbox360 xbox live used to be amazing; they had games that everyone would play, like Halo, Gears, Bioshock and a few others - the games were amazing and you could always chat with people, it was such a great experience, it was like you were really friends with them, if they vanished for a while you really did miss them, they weren't just names. But now-a-days everyone just buys wierd games and I can understand they have different tastes, but it's like they buy the wierdest shit and people just logon but never talk - then when people go away you don't even notice."

- My Friend (He's a HD fanatic)

If that's the case, and that is the general mentality then maybe Microsoft has other issues they need to address.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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Hey more is better to me, I don't see any real downside. They can patch games to use it like the RTS games and have some games support it. This controller is going to be an extra preipheral and is not going to replace the current controller.

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disolitude said:
Grampy said:
disolitude said:
Much better graphics, online, ability to play DVD's, completely different games, hard drive, movie downloads...I can keep going...

Much better graphics, online, ability to play DVD's, completely different games, hard drive, movie downloads have been available for 2 1/2 years and yet consoles starting a full year later are catching up while Xbox 360 sales are stagnating  in the markets they have penetrated and it has failed to penetrate the others. So becoming a Wii wanabe is going to change anything?

The only people that will benefit from this desperate act will be Sony because at least they have a vision. They only people hurt will be Microsoft for proving that they don't.

Sony may have a vision and its called Bluray... Its not like micorsoft will stop making games hardcore audience loves all together to support this thing. I think it would be kind of badass to play games that look great with a wii mote like device. Not to mention playing old games that I've already beaten again cause they may have Wiimote support. 

Also I don't see how they can't impove on the wiimote as the device is as basic as you get. I can hold it upsode down and still beat you in wii sports tennis... 

 The game doesn't use the IR pointer and doesn't care if the controller's upside down.  It only uses the accelerometers, which measure... now get this... acceleration!  No matter what angle you're holding it at, the acceleration will be the same.  But that's just for the speed and direction of your swing.  Your timing controls the horizontal angle of your swing.  The angle you hold the remote for each swing controls the vertical angle of your swing, deciding whether you hit a lob or barely skim the net or even hit the net.  If you can put some spin on it, you can actually do curve balls.  The game's more complex than you think.

But yeah, accelerometers and IR pointers are cheap these days.  But not cheap enough to sell to a userbase 19 million strong.  Expect sales like Eye Of Judgment.

aspirin said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
It will be such a hilarious shitstorm of bad press for MicroSoft and good press for Nintendo, and the HD crowd won't know what to do and they'll self-destruct!

 Why ? I think they will be happy. Motion sensing + HD is still HD.

 Motion sensing + HD is a wide gamut from Super Rub-A-Dub to Lair.


I'd also like to add that Rare's involvement in this is the last nail in their coffin for me.  They're dead to me now.


This should be interesting. I don't think MS will just carbon-copy the Wii stuff, they could improve it. I'm surprised they took so long. I would've done this as soon as the Wiimote was announced. Right now I would be selling $125 PS2s and $280 Arcade 360s packed-in with their own "Moes" and some sort of game collection that put Wii sports to shame (specially something on the 360).

old_gamer said:
redspear said:
gengka said:
the same old microsoft. they dived into OS developing because of Mac OS, Internet Explorer because of Netscape, XBOX because of Playstation, and the latest: Mii because of Wii.. LMAO..

Uhmm a few things MS is older then Apple and had been making OS for a longer time than apple.


Apple released the second GUI which they copied from Xerox(Mainly the Lisa is a clone of the STAR). MS copied from Xerox as well. Xerox couldn't patent a lot of things for their PARC system because of monopoly status in the 70's.

I am not going to deend MS here but you know this whole MS copied apple thing is bogus. It was even admitted in court that apple, IBM with the OS/2 and MS all copied Xerox(and did a hack job of it at that).

 Apple paid to use Xerox stuff: Jobs and several other Apple employees including Jef Raskin visited Xerox PARC in December 1979 to see the Alto computer. Xerox granted Apple engineers three days of access to the PARC facilities in return for selling them US$1 million in pre-IPO Apple stock (approximately US$18 million net)

What did Microsoft give to Xerox?


Yup Steve Jobs did visit Palo Alto Research thanks mostly to his partnership with Jeff Raskin(who hates Steve Jobs but was good freinds with Wozniak) in exchange for some stock. The point of the visit depending on who talk to chnages dramaticaly from the idea of licensing PARC to the sharing of ideas to actually selling the ideas to Apple. However Xerox did sue Apple in the late 80's for copyright infringement for 100 million. The lawsuit was bought about since Apple had sued MS and IBM and had applied a 'double standard' that XEROX was not happy about. Xerox felt it owned the rights to several key points on the dashboard that all ofthe other operating systems had used. The XEROX lawsuit was thrown out initially for being filed to long after implementation of the questionable infringement but won an appeal.

In my work I have met several members of the original PARC team(many do expert witness testimony for patent cases). Some of them had even worked for Apple in the early 90's. Others wouldn't work for them. Many are angry since they felt that XEROX didn't do enough to capitilize their product or to defend theit own IP. They pretty much all say that Apple stole their ideas illegally. Even the ones who worked for apple say that but they don't hate apple because they blame XEROX the most.

However it is generally unfair to blame XEROX because in the 70's XEROX was under anti trust laws that prohibited how much and what they could patent much like MS of the 90's XEROX was huge in the 70's. Much of their work was not protected because of goverment limitations so that anybody could essentialy copy them.  XEROX was able to patent and copyright certain key elements that would make an exact copy almost impossible and anycopy a limited experience. Apple went ahead and had copied the most while IBM and MS had actually made their OSs around these limitations.

I am not even going to get into the Lotus lawsuits that went after pretty much everybody in the 80's. Lotus 123 was a huge program back then. MS IBM andapple all infringed upon their properties as well.


So yes Apple did steal from XEROX. However it doesn't mean you can't enjoy their products just it doesn't mean that people can't enjoy MS products whether tehy are copied or not. Besides Apple is also copying the Wiimote as well as you can see in their patent application filed in Nov of 2006 for a pointing device that uses a bar with two infrared lights to determine where to place the cursor on the screen for their apple TV or other consumer electronic device.

I wonder who's press conference at E3 is going on first...

Is its MS, and they do release this new controller...
, I have a feeling you'll get some
classy Reggie Soundbytes.

Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!