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disolitude said:
Grampy said:
disolitude said:
Much better graphics, online, ability to play DVD's, completely different games, hard drive, movie downloads...I can keep going...

Much better graphics, online, ability to play DVD's, completely different games, hard drive, movie downloads have been available for 2 1/2 years and yet consoles starting a full year later are catching up while Xbox 360 sales are stagnating  in the markets they have penetrated and it has failed to penetrate the others. So becoming a Wii wanabe is going to change anything?

The only people that will benefit from this desperate act will be Sony because at least they have a vision. They only people hurt will be Microsoft for proving that they don't.

Sony may have a vision and its called Bluray... Its not like micorsoft will stop making games hardcore audience loves all together to support this thing. I think it would be kind of badass to play games that look great with a wii mote like device. Not to mention playing old games that I've already beaten again cause they may have Wiimote support. 

Also I don't see how they can't impove on the wiimote as the device is as basic as you get. I can hold it upsode down and still beat you in wii sports tennis... 

 The game doesn't use the IR pointer and doesn't care if the controller's upside down.  It only uses the accelerometers, which measure... now get this... acceleration!  No matter what angle you're holding it at, the acceleration will be the same.  But that's just for the speed and direction of your swing.  Your timing controls the horizontal angle of your swing.  The angle you hold the remote for each swing controls the vertical angle of your swing, deciding whether you hit a lob or barely skim the net or even hit the net.  If you can put some spin on it, you can actually do curve balls.  The game's more complex than you think.

But yeah, accelerometers and IR pointers are cheap these days.  But not cheap enough to sell to a userbase 19 million strong.  Expect sales like Eye Of Judgment.