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A friend and I already talked about the scenario of this being released properlly, then he pointed out something very interesting.

Xbox Arcade sku doesn't have a HDD and the system memory it has may be too small.

We came to the conclusion that should Microsoft just crap on those guys, their going to be taking a hit to Mind Share, that would be if they made it the new standard interface. Which would mean it would be a peripheral and in which case it would be an option, but it would have to be something that gives an unfair advantage in game play (insert viral marketing here) as to convince players using the Xbox360's current controller that the Newton gave the best game play.

That is a possibility.

"... Xbox360 is suffering right now from one dilema, it's the same thing that kills a lot of mmorpgs, it focuses heavily on its community, Xbox360 xbox live used to be amazing; they had games that everyone would play, like Halo, Gears, Bioshock and a few others - the games were amazing and you could always chat with people, it was such a great experience, it was like you were really friends with them, if they vanished for a while you really did miss them, they weren't just names. But now-a-days everyone just buys wierd games and I can understand they have different tastes, but it's like they buy the wierdest shit and people just logon but never talk - then when people go away you don't even notice."

- My Friend (He's a HD fanatic)

If that's the case, and that is the general mentality then maybe Microsoft has other issues they need to address.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D