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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CRYSIS Who?? -- NEW Killzone 2 Screens!! WOW!

darthdevidem01 said:

because RES 2 would kill and overshadow it merely due to brand name

RES 1 sold 3 million.....did KZ1 even cross a million?

so its not to do with quality....

 Last I checked, there was KZ1 and KZ:Liberation for PSP. Not only that, Killzone has been hyped to all heavens since the tech demo at E3 2006, I believe. Why in the world would you trade the most hyped game for the PS3 in for Resistance 2? I'm not saying Resistance 2 will suck (looks great), but something seems afoot when your delaying KZ2 even more just "because Resistance 2 is coming out". 

By the time KZ2 comes out, no one is going to give a rats behind about it, because other, better FPSes will be out (like Resistance 2). 

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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the common PS3 owner in school doesn't know about Killzone

the RESISTANCE started on PS3...its VERY popular in can see that

You may think KZ2 has been hyped but many Ps3 owners (the type that buy only football games n happened to get RESISTANCE bundled in) don't care about killzone

we are hardcore forum posters....the common public knows Resistance....they do not know Killzone 2..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Tormod said:
Meh. The textures are crap, anyways, and the character models are horrendous.

I don't think you even realize what textures and character models are.

OnT: Those pictures are touched up, just like the early R2 and Halo3 bullshots. KZ2 does have some aspects that rivals or is better than Crysis, but in terms of sheer graphical detail, effects and scale, it just can't match it. Either way, both games have different art styles.

The thing is, I don't think some people realize what crysis looks like on very high settings with a good AA and high resolution. Not too many ever got to see crysis with all the bells and whistles on. BUT on the other hand, I see that some people here are bashing KZ2 for the heck of it (points at Tormod's obviously ignorant post). We've only seen two stages so far, one stage where there are thunder clouds cast above the sky and another where the sun is starting to set, both stages with different color palettes. Yet people still whine about how grey it looks and the lack of color.... are guns, concrete and steel walls supposed to have the color of the rainbow or something? I fail to see the reasoning behind some of the bashing and ignorance geared toward KZ2.

mrstickball said:

By the time KZ2 comes out, no one is going to give a rats behind about it, because other, better FPSes will be out (like Resistance 2).

3-4 months is plenty of time to hype up a game. Bioshock, Halo3, OrangeBox and COD4 all got released within the same 3 months right? As long as the game itself is good and the marketing is there, people will get KZ2. It's not like they have to sacrifice R2 just to play Killzone, that's the whole reasoning behind Sony pushing KZ2 back in the first place.

Sorry I accidentally put in school in there....

I meant school & basically in UK

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Why in the world would you trade the most hyped game for the PS3 in for Resistance 2

I think if you have two great FPS predicted for christmas you will only release one of them.

Then you will have a look which of the two FPS is further ahead in development and pick this for christmas. And since Insomniac seldom slip their timetables they have an obvious edge. Because the worst possible scenario would be that both FPS slip and Gears2 can sell 360s without PS3 competition. But I also have my doubts about Killzone2 they seem to be a bit overly ambitious for a studio with an at best spotty track record.

On the other hand it looks pretty amazing so I hope for the best.

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The draw distance and sheer "depth," if you willl, of some those open environments is amazing.  It really feels big and hostile like you can get smoked from anywhere.

tabsina said:
I wonder what the gameplay pics will look like
Fernando said:

Those are touched up pics. Yes, the shots are with the game engine, but touched up. Just like the first batch of Resistance 2 pics.

Besides, did you saw the new HD trailer of Project Origin? Looks a little better than Killzone 2, and it's still a beta.




Neos said:
i still think the models look funny and not in place somehow..


tabsina said:

hrm.. despite your obvious sarcasm, i doubt they are cgi, i do not doubt however that they are touched up


TruckOSaurus said:
At one point they're gonna have to give us more than just screenshots. It does look very nice but if it's just Generic FPS #352 who gives a damn?


Tormod said:
Meh. The textures are crap, anyways, and the character models are horrendous.


Fernando said:
I think that's the most gray I have ever seen.


Neos said:
I'll get my generic shooters on my pc thank you.


mesoteto said:
yeah it might look good but isnt it just an average shooter?




mrstickball said:
darthdevidem01 said:

because RES 2 would kill and overshadow it merely due to brand name

RES 1 sold 3 million.....did KZ1 even cross a million?

so its not to do with quality....

 Last I checked, there was KZ1 and KZ:Liberation for PSP. Not only that, Killzone has been hyped to all heavens since the tech demo at E3 2006, I believe. Why in the world would you trade the most hyped game for the PS3 in for Resistance 2? I'm not saying Resistance 2 will suck (looks great), but something seems afoot when your delaying KZ2 even more just "because Resistance 2 is coming out". 

By the time KZ2 comes out, no one is going to give a rats behind about it, because other, better FPSes will be out (like Resistance 2). 

Or maybe that's simply the official line they're slipping fans.

The simple fact could be that Killzone 2 needs more development time.

So Sony are saying "Yes Killzone 2 is delayed but, you should all just go buy Resistance 2 in the mean time".

Also, I'm not sure if Resistance 2 will be better than Killzone 2, thus making gamers not give a "rats behind" about it. Both games look like they're going to be offering different experiences, as Sony emphasised heavily at gamers day.

Killzone will be offering an immersive offline single-player campaign, while Resistance on the other hand will be offering a strong online and community component.



Looks good. Not Crysis good (come on, no game coming out soon looks nearly as impressive as Crysis from a technical standpoint), but still, looks very good. I do like the post processing filters that they use. Gives it a cinematic feel. The first Killzone did a great job of keeping the player immersed in the game. Little touches like looking down slightly when reloading the weapon. Although it was disorienting when I first played it, I got used to it and enjoyed the little touches like that. And I look forward to the cover system this game uses. Nothing breaks the immersion like switching to third person ala R6 Vegas.

I see a LOT Sony haters here, LoL. =))
Resistance is futile, PS3 will be unstoptable.
Unbelievers will suffer greatly. =]

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far