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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CRYSIS Who?? -- NEW Killzone 2 Screens!! WOW!

mztazmz said:
sc94597 said:
mztazmz said:
This thread proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that fanboy goggles are very thick indeed. Most of you are flat out lying to yourselves because the thought of a game looking this good on PS3 is too painful to accept.

Then when you get called out on your BS, you realize you can't point out a CONSOLE game that looks as good so you jump over to Crysis.

You really start looking stupid when you bring up the game's high settings which need a $4000 PC to play.

The BOTTOM LINE is how good does Crysis look on a $400 PC?

KZ2 on PS3 makes Crysis on a $400 PC like like SHIT and you know it. But of course you can't admit it to anyone here.

Anti-Sony people are so pathetic and that's putting it mildly. I'm sure you'll all flame me for slapping you with a dose of reality so go right ahead. I'm not a 15 year old with no life so you won't hurt my feelings.
I pc was about 700 dollars and it could play crysis on very high. Crysis on low-medium looks better than killzone 2 and I got crysis to run at these settings on my friends 450 dollar pc. I bet it's easy to get it to run on a $400 dollar pc now compared to when crysis was released. Oh and btw, why shouldn't we compare the best graphics on pc to the best graphics on the ps3. Ps360 people do this all the time to wii games. We aren't anti-ps3, we are just fixing a false statement.


I pc? nice grammar.

Anyways your statement is the biggest load of BS I've seen in a long time. It's an insult to the intelligence of anyone who might read your post.

"Very high" on a $700 PC MY ASS.

here's the truth for anyone who cares:

from the article:

"PC Games Hardware magazine has finally done it. They got Crysis to run smooth on very high with a Triple SLI video card setup. The cards alone cost over $1800. I didn’t even know they made power supplies that could output 1200W!"

"it barely even gets 37.9 FPS with this insane setup."

This was December of last year so don't even try to say that this rig costs $700 now.


It's real easy to lie about how well your system plays a game at home. Next time save yourself the embarassment.

let him lie man ,,he is 15,what do you expect?He has spammed every single KZ2 thread (in this thread it's ok since the title is about crysis and KZ2,,,which is a bad title by the way,,,casue I think they both look awesome).In most of KZ2 threads he keeps posting crysis pics that no one could experience with a PC cheaper than $2000 .




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Ug retarded. Seriously as a PC enthusiast this is EQUIVALENT to a wii owner starting the thread with this title:

PS3 who?? New wii game screens!! WOW?

This is what its like. People aren't jumping on the PS3. People are jumping over the fact you're making retarded claims. I don't hate sony, but it's insulting to think those screens can even beat Crysis in motion.

Also, mztazmz, congrats you have probably the single worst argument I have ever seen on vgchartz. Why did people buy a 600 dollar PS3? So they could tell the wii owners their 250 dollar graphics are pathetic compared to theirs. Who cares how much they paid for it, they still paid for it. Are you going to let Wii owners now say:

The BOTTOM LINE is how good does this game look on a $250 console?

Well are you? Cause that's what your argument is suggesting. I have one of those PCs that can run Crysis on very high. It costs me a little over 1800, including 2 monitors. Not some 4000 dollar monstrosity because I'm not retarded and built my own tower, like most PC gamers. And that was about 5 months ago. If you knew anything about the PC market you would know how fast prices fall, 700 dollars for a very high Crysis machine is very doable. (Ask me right now and I bet I can find parts good enough to run crysis that well on newegg for between 700-900 within an hour. Give me longer and I'll get it to 700). Hell even your article is from LAST YEAR, even before the next series of video cards came out.

So as it in a PS3 owner's ability to claim a wii owner has pathetic graphics, it is in my abilty as a PC gamer to claim the graphics of the PS3 are pathetic.

/rant over

that aside it looks pretty good for a console game.

Hmmm...yeah. Not as good looking as Crysis.

Also, needs to NOT be monochromatic.  Why do these game artists try to pass off a monochromatic color scheme as being "lifelike"?  Is everything covered in a thin layer of dust or something??

Did you guys read the 1UP preview? The game plays like shit.

mztazmz >in France (where price are highter than in US concerning PC pieces), with a 500€ upgrade (motherboard, CPU, GPU and RAM) I could easily run crysis and all other games in details than PS360 could only dream

it was a bad idea to compare KZ2 to Crysis: even if KZ2 looks good, it will be bashed because Crysis is technically far away console games

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Aj_habfan said:
Did you guys read the 1UP preview? The game plays like shit. we have a repeat of Killzone 1 here? If what 1up says is true, and assuming the segment they played is a good representation of the overall gameplay, I'm thinkin' defnitely yes.

1up's preview


Random Person B said:
Ug retarded. Seriously as a PC enthusiast this is EQUIVALENT to a wii owner starting the thread with this title:

PS3 who?? New wii game screens!! WOW?

This is what its like. People aren't jumping on the PS3. People are jumping over the fact you're making retarded claims. I don't hate sony, but it's insulting to think those screens can even beat Crysis in motion.

Also, mztazmz, congrats you have probably the single worst argument I have ever seen on vgchartz. Why did people buy a 600 dollar PS3? So they could tell the wii owners their 250 dollar graphics are pathetic compared to theirs. Who cares how much they paid for it, they still paid for it. Are you going to let Wii owners now say:

The BOTTOM LINE is how good does this game look on a $250 console?

Well are you? Cause that's what your argument is suggesting. I have one of those PCs that can run Crysis on very high. It costs me a little over 1800, including 2 monitors. Not some 4000 dollar monstrosity because I'm not retarded and built my own tower, like most PC gamers. And that was about 5 months ago. If you knew anything about the PC market you would know how fast prices fall, 700 dollars for a very high Crysis machine is very doable. (Ask me right now and I bet I can find parts good enough to run crysis that well on newegg for between 700-900 within an hour. Give me longer and I'll get it to 700). Hell even your article is from LAST YEAR, even before the next series of video cards came out.

So as it in a PS3 owner's ability to claim a wii owner has pathetic graphics, it is in my abilty as a PC gamer to claim the graphics of the PS3 are pathetic.

/rant over

that aside it looks pretty good for a console game.

I shop all the time so you can take your BS and shove it. I've been building my own PC's for 12 years so you just lied to the wrong person.

Also it was a PC magazine that stated the FACTS in that article about how much that system cost and that it got 37 frames per second on very high. I'll beleive them any day over your stupid BS.

I'll say it again, ANYONE can come here and make claims that they play Crysis on "very high" with such and such machine while every freakin PC game magazine and website in the world built a PC that costs 3-5 times as much as yours to get the same performance you claim

Either all the expert PC builders that work for these publications are idiots, or you are lying. I think anyone with intelligence knows the answer.

OK, so they decided to make a monochrome game, but why not use the full scale between black and white?
All I see is millions of shades of graaaaaaaaaaay. Beautiful.


Currently playing: NSMB (Wii) 

Waiting for: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii), The Last Story (Wii), Golden Sun (DS), Portal 2 (Wii? or OSX), Metroid: Other M (Wii), 
... and of course Zelda (Wii) 
mztazmz said:
sc94597 said:
mztazmz said:
This thread proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that fanboy goggles are very thick indeed. Most of you are flat out lying to yourselves because the thought of a game looking this good on PS3 is too painful to accept.

Then when you get called out on your BS, you realize you can't point out a CONSOLE game that looks as good so you jump over to Crysis.

You really start looking stupid when you bring up the game's high settings which need a $4000 PC to play.

The BOTTOM LINE is how good does Crysis look on a $400 PC?

KZ2 on PS3 makes Crysis on a $400 PC like like SHIT and you know it. But of course you can't admit it to anyone here.

Anti-Sony people are so pathetic and that's putting it mildly. I'm sure you'll all flame me for slapping you with a dose of reality so go right ahead. I'm not a 15 year old with no life so you won't hurt my feelings.
I pc was about 700 dollars and it could play crysis on very high. Crysis on low-medium looks better than killzone 2 and I got crysis to run at these settings on my friends 450 dollar pc. I bet it's easy to get it to run on a $400 dollar pc now compared to when crysis was released. Oh and btw, why shouldn't we compare the best graphics on pc to the best graphics on the ps3. Ps360 people do this all the time to wii games. We aren't anti-ps3, we are just fixing a false statement.


I pc? nice grammar.

Anyways your statement is the biggest load of BS I've seen in a long time. It's an insult to the intelligence of anyone who might read your post. 

"Very high" on a $700 PC MY ASS.

here's the truth for anyone who cares: 

from the article: 

"PC Games Hardware magazine has finally done it. They got Crysis to run smooth on very high with a Triple SLI video card setup. The cards alone cost over $1800. I didn’t even know they made power supplies that could output 1200W!"

"it barely even gets 37.9 FPS with this insane setup."

This was December of last year so don't even try to say that this rig costs $700 now. 


It's real easy to lie about how well your system plays a game at home. Next time save yourself the embarassment. 


$700 PC? Your ass is on fire. My 2.4ghz Core2duo with 4gb ram and an 8800gt plays crysis on very high at 960 by 600. Since my computer would cost much less than a PS3 if I was to buy it again in my country I think im on to a winner don't you?

BTW,  I spose you can wait for the next gen of cards to come out in June. Then the numbers will change.

 Edit: Would you believe that the 8800gt and the 9600gt both have more than twice the capabilities of the RSX also?

Edit2: A PC that can play crysis on high for $500.,1907-4.html just replace the GPU for a 9600gt and you'll be sweet to go.


mztazmz said:
This thread proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that fanboy goggles are very thick indeed. Most of you are flat out lying to yourselves because the thought of a game looking this good on PS3 is too painful to accept.

Then when you get called out on your BS, you realize you can't point out a CONSOLE game that looks as good so you jump over to Crysis.

uhhh....the original poster was the first person to mention crysis (in the thread title)...he basically said they looked better than crysis, and everyone else is just responding to that.