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Ug retarded. Seriously as a PC enthusiast this is EQUIVALENT to a wii owner starting the thread with this title:

PS3 who?? New wii game screens!! WOW?

This is what its like. People aren't jumping on the PS3. People are jumping over the fact you're making retarded claims. I don't hate sony, but it's insulting to think those screens can even beat Crysis in motion.

Also, mztazmz, congrats you have probably the single worst argument I have ever seen on vgchartz. Why did people buy a 600 dollar PS3? So they could tell the wii owners their 250 dollar graphics are pathetic compared to theirs. Who cares how much they paid for it, they still paid for it. Are you going to let Wii owners now say:

The BOTTOM LINE is how good does this game look on a $250 console?

Well are you? Cause that's what your argument is suggesting. I have one of those PCs that can run Crysis on very high. It costs me a little over 1800, including 2 monitors. Not some 4000 dollar monstrosity because I'm not retarded and built my own tower, like most PC gamers. And that was about 5 months ago. If you knew anything about the PC market you would know how fast prices fall, 700 dollars for a very high Crysis machine is very doable. (Ask me right now and I bet I can find parts good enough to run crysis that well on newegg for between 700-900 within an hour. Give me longer and I'll get it to 700). Hell even your article is from LAST YEAR, even before the next series of video cards came out.

So as it in a PS3 owner's ability to claim a wii owner has pathetic graphics, it is in my abilty as a PC gamer to claim the graphics of the PS3 are pathetic.

/rant over

that aside it looks pretty good for a console game.