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I like to have gay male friends because you don't need to worry about them always thinking of doing you and you can tell them anything...

On the topic, I'm bi.

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"awkward without a penis.."

ROFL..i know i heard you say it b4 but it still makes me wauff!!!

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I never had a preference on the issue of a gay male friend vs a strait male friend (not that I've ever had many of either) though it does get annoying when a guy friend won't take the damn hint and stop trying ask you out or get "friendly" with you.

Not of the gay variety. (I guess 'a gay' is the singular, as opposed to if you have multiple personality disorder, and more than one personality is gay, making you 'the gays'? I dunno...)

I've known a gay guy or two, one of whom was a pretty cool guy. I've known a lesbian or two as well.. one who was alright, and one who.. well.. not so much.

Any asexuals out there? Throw them hands up!

lolita said:
I like to have gay male friends because you don't need to worry about them always thinking of doing you and you can tell them anything...

On the topic, I'm bi.

 sigh...i wish girls would stop thinking that...straight guys can be good friends too.  Though I suppose there's no risk at all of a gay guy trying to get in your pants, so you might as well tell him anything...meh.

I'm straight btw.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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lolita and gballzack -- Can I have a bi threesome with the two of you? :)

enh... I've only fooled around with two girls, I still sorta consider myself strait.

I'm strait but I have nothing against gays and bisexuals (I think they should have the right to get married, etc). It's not like people choose their sexual preference so why should they be made to feel ashamed or be hated? It's one of the problems I have against the church, the same institution that teaches you to love your fellow man and not to judge also does exactly the opposite when it comes to gays and bisexuals.

BenKenobi88 said:
lolita said:
I like to have gay male friends because you don't need to worry about them always thinking of doing you and you can tell them anything...

On the topic, I'm bi.

 sigh...i wish girls would stop thinking that...straight guys can be good friends too.  Though I suppose there's no risk at all of a gay guy trying to get in your pants, so you might as well tell him anything...meh.

I'm straight btw.

There are *some* guys that aren't like that, but in my experiance, every guy I've tried to be friends with, at some point admit they like me... So with a gay friend no problem of this happening.

"lolita and gballzack -- Can I have a bi threesome with the two of you? :)"

rofl you slob

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

