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I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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weezy said:

Ok on the youtube posts you have an african american fellow drinkin a mickeys, and on here there is a pic of an asian, and it is a gay thread,....... To get this straight(no pun intedned,) are you blackenese?? gaysian or white?lol break it down...

my mother is viet (damn i cant beive i wront thai..i need to lay off the weed)

my father is african american

so i guess i am blackaneese



hiiiiiiiya wit a little flava !!!! lol


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Legend11 said:
souixan said:

P.S. I believe any sexuality is a choice, we can always convince ourselves to like other things even if we do not initially, the mind has a lot of power over the body.

I don't believe that. I think that it's out of people's hands who they're attracted to.

I don't beleive that at all it's too naive. I was reading a report even the way we react to things is preprogramed into us by the way we have percieved them. Also it noted that with the proper thought and training you could easily do a complete reversal of your reactions. Maybe you can't pick the exact person but you can influence the gender as far as I believe.


"I was reading a report even the way we react to things is preprogramed into us by the way we have percieved them. "


that is bs...its all on how you are brought up and how you take things in(no pun intended)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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I don't think that's all of it anybody could be retrained if they truely were to arrange to those beliefes. Kinda like how people find jesus in the bottom of a bottle and suddenly change from town drunk to bible thumper.

I am 100% straight. I had no idea there were so many gay people, and bisexuals. Anyways, because I am a Jehovah's Witness, I have different thoughts on gay people, and bisexuals. I don't hate them or anything. Some of them do seem very nice. But I personally just don't see it as something natural. To me, it just seems wrong. I don't hate them, I just don't understand them. Just seems unnatural. It appears that the world hasn't accepted them yet, for if they did, words such as "gay," "queer," "faggot," and "homosexual," wouldn't be considered bad words. Then again, the world is very messed up as it is.

Anyways, I am probably capable of changing my opinion faster than anyone else on this website, so if you give me enough reasons to think of gays, and bisexuals, as the same as straights, I might change my opinion. Currently, I don't understand it, and being a Jehovah's Witness, I believe in the Bible, and in the Bible, it says that God prohibits homosexuals. Not bashing anyone here, I am explaining what I know. Now, I am sure with enough explanations on this matter, I might be more accepting of it all. All depends on how well you can convince me, because I can get convinced very easily.

Are strait guys turned off by the male body or just the penis. If you saw a guy with a vagina, would you do him? What if you saw a girl with a penis, would you do her?

No, I am only interested in full females.

what if she has both male and female parts down there?