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I am 100% straight. I had no idea there were so many gay people, and bisexuals. Anyways, because I am a Jehovah's Witness, I have different thoughts on gay people, and bisexuals. I don't hate them or anything. Some of them do seem very nice. But I personally just don't see it as something natural. To me, it just seems wrong. I don't hate them, I just don't understand them. Just seems unnatural. It appears that the world hasn't accepted them yet, for if they did, words such as "gay," "queer," "faggot," and "homosexual," wouldn't be considered bad words. Then again, the world is very messed up as it is.

Anyways, I am probably capable of changing my opinion faster than anyone else on this website, so if you give me enough reasons to think of gays, and bisexuals, as the same as straights, I might change my opinion. Currently, I don't understand it, and being a Jehovah's Witness, I believe in the Bible, and in the Bible, it says that God prohibits homosexuals. Not bashing anyone here, I am explaining what I know. Now, I am sure with enough explanations on this matter, I might be more accepting of it all. All depends on how well you can convince me, because I can get convinced very easily.